unless的用法及短语 Unless的用法总结( 四 )

When unless comes before a main clause we use a comma:
Unless it rains, we'll go for a picnic tomorrow.
除非下雨 , 否则我们明天去野餐 。
When the main clause comes first, no comma is required:
主句在前 , 不需要逗号:
They won't come unless you invite them.
除非你邀请他们 , 否则他们不会来 。
Unless is like If in that we don't not use will/would after it. We only use the present simple tense.
像if一样 , 我们不会在unless后面使用will/would 。只使用一般现在时 。
Unless I hear from you, I'll see you at 5pm.
除非你通知我 , 否则我和你下午5点碰面 。
Unless and if not
unless和if not
Ok, so unless is similar to "if …..not" and together they mean "except if". Note: We refer to real conditional situations and NOT impossible situations.
unless和if…not很相似 , 它们都表示“除非” 。注意:我们指的是真实的条件情况 , 而不是不可能的情况 。
If you don't study, you will fail your exam.
如果你不学习 , 你考试就过不了 。
Unless you study, you will fail.
除非你学习 , 否则你就过不了考试 。
We could eat at Frankie and Benny's if they're not closed on a Monday.
如果弗兰基和班尼餐馆周一不关门 , 我们可以在那吃饭 。
We could eat at Frankie and Benny's unless they are closed on a Monday.
除非弗兰基和班尼餐馆周一关门 , 否则我们就在那吃饭 。
I'll make dinner if nobody wants to.
如果没人想做饭的话 , 我做吧 。
I'll make dinner unless someone else wants to.
除非没别人想做饭 , 那么我就来做吧 。
If you don't stop smoking, you will feel bad.
如果你不戒烟 , 你会不舒服的 。
Unless you stop smoking, you will feel bad.
除非你戒烟 , 不然你会感觉不舒服 。
Note that the sentence after unless is always a positive sentence. You cannot have a negative sentence after unless because that would make the sentence a double negative and senseless.
注意:unless之后的句子总是肯定的 。在unless之后不能接否定句 , 因为这就造成了双重否定 , 句子没有意义 。
Example: Unless you don't study, you will fail. (????)
例句:除非你不学习 , 否则你就会失败 。
(小编注:即使是此句的中文译文也是一个有语义问题的病句 , 双重否定后使句子无逻辑意义了 , 符合逻辑的句子应该是“除非你学习 , 否则你就会失败 。”)
