kid的用法总结 kid的意思用法大全( 二 )

Kids 童装; 孩子; 儿童; 半熟少年;
KinKi Kids KinKi Kids 近畿小子
Kid A A Kid 寒昀湶
crocs kids 儿童款
kid glove 小山羊皮白手套; 羊皮手套; 小山羊皮白手套用精细的软皮做的手套;
vario kid 车辆内儿童安全座椅
Emo kid 情绪宝宝
Kids fingerpaint 儿童手指画
1.I make sure my kids come first.我得确保我的孩子们排在首位 。
2.When does the kid sing “Looby Loo?”这个小朋友在什麽时候边洗澡边唱洗澡歌?
3.I hope that the kids are OK.我希望孩子们都好 。
4.The kid is acting up for our attention.这个孩子正在做各种动作来逗引我们注意 。
5.She was anxious to please the smart kid.她很想讨好那潇洒的小伙子 。
6.I bathed the kids and read them stories.我给孩子们洗了澡,然后给他们读故事 。
7.The kid with a booboo on his knee?你是说坐在那儿,那个膝盖上贴绷带的小孩啊?
8.Ruthie "Pigface" Draper.Mom, Dad, what, are you kidding?|露茜·“猪脸”·德雷帕,爸,妈,你们,开什么玩笑呢?
9.The kids were kept in the small corral.羊羔圈养在小畜栏里 。
10.The kids have muddled up all the photos.孩子们把照片全都翻得乱七八糟 。
11.The kid was abducted at the gate of kindergarten.那小孩在幼儿园大门口被绑架走了 。
12.I'll be doggoned if every fourth kid is affected.如果每四个孩子就有一个受影响,那我真是该死! 。
13.The kids will be leaving home in no time.孩子们很快就会离开家 。
14.There were several kids lolling around outside the club.有几个小孩在俱乐部外面闲荡 。
15.The kids all put on a phoney American accent.这些小孩都操着一副假冒的美国腔 。
16.Work is a dirty word to these lazy kids.工作对于这些懒惰的年轻人来说是个犯忌的字眼 。
17.The kids are nutting in the forest like squirrels.孩子们像小松鼠一样在森林里采集坚果 。
18.I made sure the other kids stopped snowballing Celia.我设法让别的孩子不再向西莉亚扔雪球了 。
19.She brought along a couple of sulky looking kids.她带来几个脸色愠怒的孩子 。
20.He would whomp the kids at the slightest provocation.他动不动就打孩子 。

