supply用法考点 supply用法知多少

今天给大家带来了supply用法,快来一起学习吧,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧 。
n. [C,U] 供应量;补给品(常用复数);供给 。如:
We cannot guarantee adequate supplies of raw materials.
我们不能保证提供充足的原材料 。
Our supplies were running out.
我们的补给品快要用光了 。
The electricity supply was cut off.
电力供应被切断了 。
vt. (尤指大量)供应;供给 。如:
The government supplies free books to all public schools.
政府对所有的公立学校免费供应课本 。
Dictionaries supply us with information about words and phrases.
字典给我们提供有关词和短语的知识 。
be well/poorly supplied with 供有大量(少量)……
supply and demand供求关系
【supply用法考点 supply用法知多少】supply teacher 代课老师
in short supply 供应不足
[辨析] supply, provide
1. supply/provide sb./sth. with sth.
2. provide sth. for sb.
3. supply sth. to sb.
[小试] 用supply 或 provide的适当形式填空 。
1. They were arrested for _______ drugs to street dealers.
2. The markets are well _______ with agricultural produce.
3. Somehow she managed _______ her children with food and clothing.
4. We are here to _______ a service for the public.
1. supplying 2. supplied 3. to provide/supply 4. provide
provide、offer、supply 傻傻分不清楚?快来看看「提供」的用法大全
除了 provide、offer、supply 之外,还有好多中文翻译为「提供」的单词,是否觉得傻傻分不清楚呢?到底什么时候该使用哪个单词?现在就让我们来好好厘清这些单词的意思和用法吧!
serve 若作为提供来解释,主要是指「(餐厅) 供应食物或饮料」或「为工作付出」的意思,并可以搭配out 形成动词词组 serve sth. out 表示「继续工作、担任职务直到规定时限」 。Breakfast is served between 9:00 and 11:00 in this hotel.
这间旅馆在早上九点到十一点之间供应早餐 。
She has served in the army for more than 20 years.
她为军队效力已长达二十年 。
serve sth. up 是指「向某人提供」或是「分配饭菜」之意义 。
Our organization serve up meals for the homeless.
我们机构为露宿者提供餐点 。
Could you help them serve up the pizza?
当我们提到「提供」,那么 provide 这个字应该是最快出现的脑海里的吧!他最主要的意思就是「给予他人所需要的东西」 。它的用法主要有三种,分别是 provide sb. with sth.、provide sth. for/to sb. 和provide sth.
