七夕英文贺卡祝福语_关于七夕的英文句子 英语节的贺卡祝福语(12)

5、我是董郎,你是仙女,愿天天是七夕,岁岁共婵娟 。
I am Dong Lang, you are a fairy, every day is the seventh day of the Seventh Festival.
I can not find traces of you in the vast river. Can you feel my longing for a long, long night?
God! I forgot yesterday was Tanabata, but it doesn't matter, as long as we are Tanabata every day.
8、七夕之夜星麻麻,看着水里鱼双双 。想到了你心一酸,唯有想着当初情?
On the seventh night of the seventh night, the stars are numb, looking at the fish in the water. Think of your heart sour, only thinking about the original situation?
9、认识你才知道,有一种心情叫作想念,有一种感觉叫爱 。
To know you, I know that there is a kind of mood called miss, and a feeling called love.
10、天变、地变,我对你的情不变,上天让你我有缘相见,只想对你说一句爱你直到永远 。
Heaven changes, earth changes, my feelings for you unchanged, God let you and I meet by destiny, just want to say to you that love you forever.
11、你我鹊桥边,相对两无言,温情融天际,爱意永缠绵 。
On the side of your bridge, there are two speechless words.
The starry sky is like the eyes of your eyes. I solemnly write: because I love you!
13、假如可以的话,我愿意花去生命中的每一分每一秒陪你 。
If possible, I would like to spend every minute and every second of my life with you.
14、七夕情人节,柳絮飘飘树下约 。缘来缘去缘如许,明月如纱心相许 。情人节快乐,乐满天下,爱满长城,情满小屋,梦满甜心!
On the seventh day of Valentine's day, the willow trees float under the trees. The edge comes to the edge, and the moon is like the heart of the yarn. Happy Valentine's day, full of joy, full of the Great Wall, full of huts, sweet dreams!
15、我愿化作一阵和风,穿过崇山峻岭来到你的窗前,将你温柔包围 。
I would like to become a breeze, through the mountains to your window, gently surrounded you.
