写作思路:主要写出屠呦呦的事迹 。
She is Tu Youyou, the 2015 Nobel Prize winner in medicine.
她就是2015年诺贝尔医学奖获得者屠呦呦 。
Tu youyou was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. When she was a child, malaria was prevalent in her hometown. When she was young, she witnessed one fall after another, and her relatives were deeply grieved.
屠呦呦出生于浙江省宁波市 。儿时的她 , 家乡正流行着疟疾 。幼小的她目睹了一个又一个人倒下 , 亲人们悲痛不已 。

Malaria is a serious worldwide epidemic, which has killed hundreds of millions of people all over the world. Tu couldn't bear to see people die, so she was determined to find a "magic bullet" to treat malaria.
疟疾是危散茄害甚是严重的世界性流行病 , 全球几亿人民都为此丧生 。屠呦呦不忍看到人们生离死别 , 下定决心一定冲液察要找到治疗疟疾的“神奇子弹” 。
After all, the road to science is too narrow, too steep. A small laboratory, old equipment. Tu youyou and his team work day and night in the studio. They take drugs in person, ignore their health and life and death, and devote themselves to drug research and development.
毕竟 , 科学这条路太狭窄了 , 太陡峭了 。一间小小的实验室 , 陈旧的设备 。屠呦呦和团队在工作室夜以继日地工作 , 他们亲自服用药物 , 将自己的健康、生死置之度外 , 一心为药物研发 。
【屠呦呦的事迹怎么写】Because of the poor environment and the pungent smell of the medicine jar, Tu youyou got toxic hepatitis. Tu Youyou, they have made great progress on the thorny road of science.
因为环境简陋 , 放着药物的大缸时时发出刺鼻的气味 , 屠呦呦得了中毒性肝炎 。屠呦呦他们在长满荆棘的科学道路上艰苦卓越的前进 。
In 1972, she and her colleagues named the colorless crystal extracted from Artemisia annua "artemisinin". In 1973, Tu youyou synthesized "dihydroartemisinin" on the basis of the original.
1972年 , 她和同事在青蒿中提取的无色结晶物体命名“青蒿素” , 1973年 , 屠呦呦在原有的基础上合成了“双氢青蒿埋神素” 。
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