17th century English related witchcraft superstition is extremelyserious, many everybody because are accused but to suffer in vain forthe sorcerer the fatal disaster 。
This small story is Zhan Nite abouther whole family pitiful bitter experience narration. Zhan Niespecially told this story the time is in 1634, at that time her onlythen 9 years old, because are actually accused to imprison for thesorceress in the Lancaster castle jail 。
Before this her maternalgrandmother, the mother and elder brother are all treated as thesorcerer to execute 。
整个故事充满了冷漠和残酷 。一家人互相指责,互相控诉,最后被处死的处死,坐牢的坐牢 。我以为是缺乏爱的原因 。
这一家人和村民之间没有爱 。所以滋生了仇恨和恐惧 。所以詹妮特的姐姐艾丽森在向村民乞讨未遂后,愤恨地下了诅咒 。当他们一家人承认是巫师的时候,村民毫不犹豫地处死了他们 。
家人之间没有爱 。所以詹妮特的母亲伊丽莎白,不愿意照顾自己的母亲,憎恨因为被指认为是女巫所带来的一切悲剧 。
所以詹妮特和她的哥哥詹姆斯指认自己的母亲是女巫,杀死了村民 。最后詹姆斯竟然自己承认是巫师的时候,他们并没有帮腔 。一家人,母亲,姐姐,弟弟,祖母均因是巫师而被处死 。
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