另一方面英语,一方面,另一方面 用英语怎么说

另一方面英语,一方面,另一方面 用英语怎么说

【另一方面英语,一方面,另一方面 用英语怎么说】我到这座城市一方面是洽谈业务 , 另一方面是看望老朋友另一方面英语 。
The purpose of my visit to this city is to talk business on the one hand and to see my old friend on the other.
一方面我必须工作;另一方面我有许多来宾要照看 。
On the one hand I have to work;on the other hand I have many visitors to see.
一方面我必须工作;另一方面我有许多来宾要照看 。
On one hand I have to work;on the other hand I have many visitors to see.
一方面有丰富的经验 , 另一方面有坚定的决心 , 彼此旗鼓相当 。
The rich experience of one side and the firm determination of the other balance each other out.
发烧一方面削弱侵入的病毒 , 另一方面 , 帮助机体提高抵抗力 。
On the one hand having a fever weakens the virus invaded,on the other hand resisting power is raised to the help organism.
男人比女人过得快乐得多:一方面是 , 他们晚婚 , 另一方面是 , 他们早死 。
Men have a much better time of it than women;for one thing,they marry later;for another thing,they die earlier.
发烧一方面削弱侵入的病毒 , 另一方面 , 帮助机体提高抵抗力 。
Fever may on the one hand,weaken the invade germs and,on the other hand,help raise the resistance of the body.
顺利进展着的两种想法(b约翰·麦克菲)双轨财政政策…一面着眼于资金供给 , 另一方面着眼于利率(b爱德华·梅多斯)
a smoothly functioning bifocal mind(bJohn McPhee)A bifocal monetary policy . . . has kept one eye on the money supply and the other on interest rates(bEdward Meadows)
顺利进展着的两种想法(约翰·麦克菲)双轨财政政策…一面着眼于资金供给 , 另一方面着眼于利率(爱德华·梅多斯)
a smoothly functioning bifocal mind(John McPhee)A bifocal monetary policy . . . has kept one eye on the money supply and the other on interest rates(Edward Meadows)
一方面你接受他的礼物 , 另一方面你对他们一家人粗暴无礼 , 你对他们究竟抱什么态度?
On the one hand you accept his presents;on the other hand,you are rude to the whole family.What really is your attitude to them?
