【一什么就什么英语词组大全】随便选一个句子举例:我一拿到票就给你打电话: 1.once 最常用 , I will call you once I get the ticket. 2.soon after , I will call you soon after I get the ticket. 3.as soon as, I will call you as soon as I get the ticket 4.at once 其实也可以表达这个意思: I will call you at once when I get the ticket. 5.at the very moment, 相当于soon after , I will call you at the very moment I get the ticket 6.Immediately,相当于at once I will call you immediately when I get the ticket. 7.还有好多像on/at+动名词形式的变态用法 , 基本上当作家的时候才能用到的句子 。哎呀妈呀 , 累死我了 , 写这么多字 , 给点分儿吧 , 不容易啊补充:其实都不常用 , 不知道为什要考试:举一个on的用法 , 一般格式是on+动词ing形式 , 其实这个词归到这一类有些牵强 , 它更多是在表达“在某种情况下 , 发生了什么事情”翻译的时候习惯翻译成“一……就” , 比如说“我一到上海就直奔客户那边去了”可以说成: On reaching Shanghai,I went to the customer directly. 再举个at的用法 , At the news of her father’s death, she burst into tears. 一听到她父亲去世的消息她就哭了起来 。
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