

【洛阳一高】洛阳一高建校于1904年,是一所具有百年历史的老校,上世纪曾被北大校长胡适圈为全国二十个最好的中学之一,1959年被省政府命名为首批“省级重点高中” 。目前洛阳一高分东西两院区 。总占地面积274亩,合18.2万平方米,(生均占地面积67平方米);总建筑面积13万平方米,(生均40平方米);绿化面积9万平方米,(生均33平方米);东西两院共拥有标准教室126个,配置交互式教学网络系统的多媒体教室60个;装备一流的现代化理、化、生学科实验室15个,标本室1个;仪器药品储藏室5个;实验准备室10个;多功能报告厅7个;多媒体交互式综合教学系统监控室1个;网络阅览室3个;教师、学生阅览室5个,总座位700个;语音室3个,配有全国最先进的天文观测台1座;建有400米标准跑道2个,标准足球场2个,篮、排、羽毛球场达数十个,网球场2个,多功能室内体育馆1座,标准乒乓球台30个;两个图书馆藏书15.08万册,(生均56册),且有相当数量的善本书并配有高级的书柜;阅览室报刊、杂志237种,两座餐厅可同时容纳3000人就餐,学生公寓8幢,总床位近4000张,公寓每层配有淋浴间,每室配有空调(学校总装备空调955台),在职教师每人都配备有一台高级东芝笔记本电脑 。学校现有67个教学班,学生总人数3800人 。现有一线教职工200余人,其中硕士生导师1人,国家级专家、骨干教师5人;省级教育专家、学科带头人、骨干教师等14人,硕士研究生26人,特级教师4人,高级教师53人(占专有教师总数的37.33%),中级教师58人 。一百年来,洛一高为国家培养了数万名优秀毕业生,如八十年代任国务院核工业部部长、党组书记的张忱;曾任周恩来军事秘书、顾问、总参谋作战部副部长、被毛泽东誉为“洛阳才子”的雷英夫;全国十大新闻采访人员纪希晨;多次获得国内、国际田径赛冠军的马法成;曾任洛阳市委常委、市长韩西英、刘典立;现任国家外交部机要局副局长马凤春;现任清华大学人事处处长裴兆宏;现任河南省政府秘书长卢大伟等 。近十年来,我校共有38人获省、市高考全科或单科状元,400余人在全国学科竞赛中获省级以上奖励,其中省级一等奖以上的达187人,祝莹同学在刚刚结束的第九届国际天文知识竞赛中荣获银牌,获得全国奥赛金牌、银牌、铜牌的如王珂、金巍娜、王晓飞、李乐愚、姜剑锋、马磊、武剑、邓立、张一帆、郭珩、陈小科、马超、畅明、徐琰等二十余人 。百年来洛一高为全国高校输送了大批精英,单近几年考入清华、北大两校的学生就达百余人,享有“豫西清华”之美誉 。近几年来,高考成绩捷报频传,2001年报考739人,上线709人,其中本科以上531人;2002年报考930人,上线904人,本科以上649人,其中苏筱菁、王倚天以666分的总成绩并列洛阳市第一名;2003年我校报考人数比上年减少130人,但上线人数仍达755人之多,其中本科以上543人,600分以上115人,洛阳市前10名,我校占8名,其中任洁、杨阳两同学分别以672分、670分的优异成绩,稳居洛阳市第一、第二名,付轲、杨阳、任洁、张瑜分别获洛阳市语文、数学、英语、综合四科的单科状元;2004年高考我校上本科线以上831人,重点374人,过清华、北大录取线有16人 。李迎斌、韩霄分别获洛阳市文科、理科状元 。郭明辉、张凯歌以满分的成绩分获省理科数学、综合第一名,刘博宁、李慧君分别获洛阳市语文、英语单科第一名 。2005年上本科线人数突破千人大关,其中重点380人,过清华北大录取线22人 。学校多次受到政府和省、市教委的嘉奖 。充分发挥省级示范性高中的引领和辐射作用 。学校注重发挥示范性高中的引领和辐射作用,采取走出、请进来、传经验、送设施等形式,帮助和支持薄弱学校的建设和发展 。一是学校与汝阳实验中学、宜阳二中、伊川三高等建立为友好学校,多次派出优秀教师给兄弟学校教师说课、讲课、培训,也请他们到洛阳一高参观听课 。二是4月份,学校举办“千名学子游一高”活动,邀请周边地区的中学生1100多人到学校参观、访问,让他们体验示范性高中的环境、学习及生活情况,至今已举办了4届 。三是利用洛阳一高网校的优势,积极开展远程教学活动,还在洛阳有线电视频道上开通了教育频道——《一高课堂》 。四是培训中心利用暑假期间举办培训班,请外地专家、学者到校举办学科知识、心理咨询讲座,邀请各校学生、家长参加 。五是捐献部门资金和器材支援白土中学等薄弱学校建设 。积极、主动开展对外交流活动 。2月18日,由省教育厅、外事办、公安厅三部门组成的检查组到校专门检查、验收了国际教育工作,批准洛阳一高为全省第二所,洛阳市唯一1所可以招收外国留学生的高中学校 。3月,学校组织首批国际班学生赴英国举行夏令营活动 。5月9日,国家留学基金管理委员会经过审核,同意洛阳一高为“高中国际预科课程”项目合作学校 。12月26日,根据国务院《中外合作办学条例》有关规定,经专家委员会审核并由省教育厅批准,洛阳一高与加拿大皇家学院合作办学,开展高中国际课程教学 。学校还成立了四个中心--信息中心、后勤服务中心、培训中心,国际教育交流中心,为洛阳一高这所百年老校注入了新的生机和活力 。先进的教育理念,现代化的管理模式,使她向着开放型、国际化的目标迈进 。洛阳一高网站架起了对外沟通的桥梁,扩大了学校的社会影响力和知名度; 校园网使学校的管理更方便快捷地实现了无纸化办公;培训中心和网校,整合了学校、洛阳市的优秀教育资源,跨越了时间和空间的限制,让更多的学子享受到洛一高的优质教育; 后勤服务中心科学规划,体现了管理育人和服务育人的理念 。学校的各项设施都达到了全国先进水平 。这些管理部门的成立使得洛一高的教学和管理更加科学、更加人文化Luoyang, a high school in 1904, is a century-old old school, the last century has been the principal North Hu lap 20 for the whole country, one of the best secondary schools, the provincial government in 1959 was named as the first batch of "provincial focus on high school level. "Luoyang, a high east-west current House of Representatives District. Total area of 274 mu, with 182,000 square meters, (student area of 67 square meters); total floor area of 130,000 square meters, (40 square meters student); Green area of 90,000 square meters, (student 33 square meters); what the two criteria a total of 126 classrooms, interactive teaching network configuration of 60 multimedia classrooms; first-class modern equipment justification, Chemistry and Biology Laboratory of the 15 subjects, a specimen chamber; medicine storage apparatus Room 5; experiments to prepare room 10; multi-purpose Hall 7; multimedia interactive teaching system integrated a control room; network room 3; teachers, students reading five, with a total 700 seats; language lab 3 months, with the most advanced of the National Astronomical Observatory 1; built runway 400 meters standard 2, standard soccer field 2, basket, volleyball, badminton courts for several ten, two tennis courts, a multi-purpose indoor stadium Block, the standard table tennis table 30; two 150,800 library, (student 56), and a considerable number of precious books and the bookcase with senior; reading newspapers, 237 kinds of magazines, two restaurants at the same time Eating accommodate 3,000 people, eight student apartments, with a total close to 4000 beds, an apartment with a shower on each floor, each room is equipped with air conditioning (955 schools in Taiwan, the total air-conditioning equipment), each equipped with in-service teachers have a high-level Toshiba laptop .Schools are teaching 67 classes, 3800 students in the total number of people. Existing front-line staff more than 200 people, including a master instructor, national experts, the backbone of teachers 5; provincial education experts, academic leaders, the backbone of 14 teachers, 26 graduate, class teachers 4 53 senior teacher (or know-how 37.33 percent of the total number of teachers), 58 intermediate teachers.Hundred years ago, a high-Rod and trained tens of thousands of outstanding graduates, such as the nuclear industry eighties office of the State Council of Ministers, party secretary of张忱; Zhou Enlai served as military secretary and adviser, General Staff, Deputy Minister of operations , was Mao Zedong as "the wets luoyang" husband of Lei-Ying; the top ten journalists Ji Chen; has won domestic and international track and field champion horse into law; former Luoyang Municipal Standing Committee, the Mayor of the West Han-ying, Li刘典; current national confidential Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs MA Feng-chun, deputy director;裴兆the current Director of Personnel Wang Qinghua University; the current provincial government, such as the Secretary-General Lu Dawei.Over the past decade, a total of 38 people I获省school, city-wide university entrance examination or Billing Division champion, more than 400 disciplines at the national competition awards were above the provincial level, provincial level which the first prize of more than 187 students祝莹the just-concluded international astronomical knowledge of the ninth won the silver medal race, won the National Olympic gold, silver, bronze, such as Wang Ke, Na Wei Jin, Xiao-Fei Wang, Li Le-yu,姜剑锋, Ma Lei, Wu Jian, Deng, Yi-Fan Zhang, Guo Heng, Chen Branch, Ma Chao, Chang-ming, Xu Yan and so on more than 20.Los centuries a high transmission for the whole country a large number of elite colleges and universities, one in recent years admitted to the Tsinghua University, Beijing University students of two schools of over a hundred people, enjoy the "western Henan Qinghua" of reputation. In recent years, frequent successes scored, 739 applicants in 2001, and on-line 709, of whom more than 531 undergraduate; 930 applicants in 2002, 904 people on line, more than 649 undergraduate, including Ada Su, Wang Yitian to 666 hours total score tied for first place in Luoyang; in 2003 the number of university applicants, 130 less than the previous year, but the number of on-line is still expected to reach as many as 755 people, of which more than 543 undergraduate, 600 hours more than 115 people, 10 of Luoyang City the name of our school accounted for 8, in which Ren Jie, Yang Yang, respectively, the two students to 672 points, 670 points, cum laude, top of Luoyang City first, second, to pay Ke, Yang Yang, Ren Jie, Zhang Yu were Luoyang, Language, Mathematics, English, Integrated Billing Division IV Division champion; in 2004 on the undergraduate school entrance above the 831 people, focusing on 374 people are Tsinghua University, Beijing University admission line 16. Li Ying-bin, were韩霄Luoyang arts, science scholar. Guo Minghui, Zhang Song to获省points out the achievements of science in mathematics, the first comprehensive, Liu Bonin, Hui-Jun Li, Luoyang were of language, English Billing Division of the first. In 2005 exceeded the number of undergraduate Line thousand mark, which focused on 380 people are admitted Beijing Tsinghua line 22. Schools on many occasions by the Government and provincial and municipal Board of Education of the awards.Give full play to the level of lead and radiation示范性高中role. Schools focus on示范性高中play the role of the lead and radiation, take out, please come in, Chuan experience, send the form of facilities to help and support of weak construction and development of schools. First, secondary schools and Ruyang experiment, Yiyang II, Yichuan the establishment of three high schools as a friendly, many outstanding teachers sent to the brother school teachers Lessons, lectures, training, ask them to visit a high class Luoyang. Second, in April, the school held "thousands of students a high-travel" campaign, inviting the surrounding area more than 1100 secondary school students to the school visits, interviews,示范性高中to experience the environment, learning and living conditions, has been held 4 session. Luoyang, a third is to use the advantages of high School, active in distance learning activities, also on cable channel luoyang educational channel opened - "a high-class." Fourth, the use of training centers training courses during the summer vacation, please foreign experts and scholars organized by school subject knowledge, psychological counseling lectures, the students invite their parents to participate. Fifth, sector funds and equipment donations to support the weak, such as clay secondary school building.Take the initiative to carry out foreign exchange activities. February 18, the provincial education department, the Foreign Affairs Office, the Public Security Bureau, composed of three departments to the school inspection team specialized inspection, acceptance of international education, the approval of Luoyang a second high for the province, Luoyang City, the only one can recruit foreign high school students. In March, the school students organized the first international summer camp held in the United Kingdom. May 9, the National Scholarship Management Committee reviewed and agreed to Luoyang, a high for the "High School International Foundation Course" school projects. December 26, according to the State Council, "Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools Bill," the relevant provisions, the Committee of Experts to review and approval of the provincial education department, Luoyang a high co-operation with the Royal Canadian College of education, international teaching high school to carry out.The school also set up four centers - the information center, logistics, service centers, training centers, the International Education Exchange Center, a high for Luoyang百年老校This has injected new vigor and vitality. Advanced educational philosophy, modern management model, making her toward an open, international goals. Luoyang has set up a website external high bridge, the expansion of the school's social influence and visibility; campus network so that school management more convenient and efficient to achieve a paperless office; Training Center and School, the integration of schools, Luoyang the city of outstanding educational resources, across time and space constraints, so that more students benefit from carvedilol a high quality education; logistics hub of scientific planning and management of education and embodies the concept of. Schools have the facilities to meet the national advanced level. The establishment of these management makes a high-Rod teaching and management more scientific, more cultural
