【火柴英文,卖火柴的小女孩英文原版结局?】Once upon a time a little girl tried to make a living by selling matches in the street. The snow-clad streets were deserted. From brightly lit windows came the tinkle of laughter and the sound of singing. But the poor little match seller sat sadly beside the fountain. Her ragged dress and worn shawl did not keep out the cold. She hadn’t sold one box of matches all day and she was frightened to go home, for her father would certainly be angry. The little girl’s fingers were stiff with cold. If only she could light a match! But what would her father say at such a waste! Falteringly she took out a match and lit it. What a nice warm flame! The little match seller cupped her hand over it, and as she did so, she magically saw in its light a big brightly burning stove. She held out her hands to the heat, but just then the match went out and the vision faded. The night seemed darker than before and it was getting colder. After hesitating for a long time, she struck another match on the wall, and this time the glimmer turned the wall into a great sheet of crystal. Beyond that stood a fine table laden with food and lit by a candlestick. Holding out her arms towards the plates, the little match seller seemed to pass through the glass, but then the match went out and the magic faded. She lit the third match and an even more wonderful thing happened. There stood a Christmas tree hung with hundreds of candles, glittering with tinsel and colored balls. “Oh, how lovely!” exclaimed the little match seller, holding up the match. Then, the match burned her finger and flickered out. Scarcely aware of what she was doing, the little match seller lit another match. This time, she saw her grandmother. “Granny, stay with me!” she pleaded, as she lit one match after the other, so tha
On Christmas Eve, the little girl was forced by his father to sell matches.The streets were filled with festive atmosphere, but no one was buying matches. She walked for a long time, cold and hungry, and she sat down in a corner. The little girl struck a match to keep her warm.She saw the stove, the food and her grandma in the light of the match.The second day, people saw the little girl died, with a smile on her face.
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