躁狂症属于几级精神病 偏执狂是什么意思

Hi my friends. Our teachers and parents always teach us to do something with the regular ways. 大家好,我们的老师和父母总是教我们,做事要用中庸之道!

But if you are going on the regular ways that can make you do nothing.但如果你采用中庸之道做事,其实你也干不出什么来! You see those great people, all of them are paranoid and extremist. 你看那些厉害的人物,他们都是偏执狂和极端主义者! Paranoid and extremist that mean doing something with the only way.偏执狂和极端主义者,就是一条路走到底的意思! If you are going on the only way, of course you will reach the destination. If the direction is right. Right?如果方向是对的,你一条路走到底,那你肯定能把事情干成!对不对? So not all people can be paranoid.其实,不是每个人都能成为偏执狂的!
【躁狂症属于几级精神病 偏执狂是什么意思】
