精选 关于英文个性短句霸气

一、失眠的人,连做梦的资格都没有 。
Insomniacs are not qualified to dream.
二、我虽然相信海誓山盟,但是未必相信你啊 。
Although I believe in vows, I may not believe you.
三、都是第一次做人,我凭什么要让着你 。
It&#三九;s the first time to be a man. Why should I let you.
You didn&#三九;t succeed. What are you afraid of?
五、我想我仍旧很喜欢你,哪怕没有言语 。
I think I still like you very much, even without words.
六、什么时候想嫁人就告诉我,我娶你 。
Tell me when you want to marry. I&#三九;ll marry you.
七、一门七进士,父子三探花 。
There are seven Jinshi in one school and three explorers in father and son.
八、我才不绝情,我也很想你 。
I&#三九;m not heartless. I miss you very much, too.
九、用人不疑疑人不用,一次不忠百次不用 。
You don&#三九;t need to be suspicious when you use people. You don&#三九;t need to be unfaithful a hundred times at a time.
A man must have a temper to grow ambition!
一一、能错过是福气,能遇见也是 。
It&#三九;s a blessing to miss, and it&#三九;s also a blessing to meet.
Bed exercise can also lose weight, don&#三九;t you know?
一三、爱情无需道歉,是爱你的人犯贱 。
Love doesn&#三九;t need to apologize. It&#三九;s cheap for those who love you.
一四、我袒护的人,你跟我讲什么道理 。
What reason do you have with me.
一五、我有感情洁癖,不能独有的我不要 。
I have a passion for cleanliness. I don&#三九;t want to be unique.
一六、你不对自己好点,谁还能把你当回事 。
If you are not good to yourself, who can take you seriously.
一七、你不是人造革,你是真皮 。
You&#三九;re not leather, you&#三九;re leather.
一八、真爱就像鬼,听过的人多,见过的人少 。
True love is like a ghost. Many people have heard of it, but few have seen it.
一九、爱上一匹野马,可我的家里没有草原 。
I fell in love with a wild horse, but there was no grassland in my home.
二零、你一出门,千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭 。
As soon as you go out, thousands of birds will fly away and thousands of people will disappear.
二一、下辈子我要做你的心脏,我不跳你就挂了 。
I&#三九;ll be your heart in the next life. If I don&#三九;t jump, you&#三九;ll die.
二二、孤独,是给你思考自己的时间 。
Loneliness is to give you time to think about yourself.
二三、有媳妇的都抱稳了,老子要开始摇微信了 。
Those who have a daughter-in-law hold fast. I&#三九;m going to start wechat.
二四、不经意,你的笑容就成了谁的整个世界 。
Inadvertently, your smile will become whose whole world.
二五、男人拽,照样甩,一样在我黑名单摇摆 。
Men pull, still swing, the same in my blacklist swing.
二六、人生本来就是一场戏,演完就得死 。
Life is a play, you have to die.
二七、我就是这样坦然,你舍得伤,就伤 。
I am so calm, you are willing to hurt, hurt.
Miss once happiness, but forget now have beautiful!
二九、上帝创造了爱情,所以世界上有了白痴 。
God created love, so there are idiots in the world.
三零、你一定要和她好好走下去,我坐车 。
【精选 关于英文个性短句霸气】
