
1、我要亲亲,我就要嘛 。
If I want to kiss, I will.
2、一线相牵,一份思念 。
A thread of each other, a missing.
3、心在树上,你摘就是 。
Heart in the tree, you pick it.
4、美好时光,少个伴 。
Good time, little company.
5、执一人,潋水之滨 。
Holding one person is the shore of the river.
6、想你,用每一次呼吸 。
Miss you, with every breath.
Life together, never separated!
8、你若安好,便是明天 。
If you are well, it will be tomorrow.
9、别信鬼神,要信我 。
Don't believe in ghosts, believe in me.
10、久仰一生,幸会有你 。
I've heard a lot about you all my life.
11、心甘情愿,为你迷恋 。
Willingly, infatuated with you.
12、请你当我手心里的宝 。
Please be the treasure in my hand.
13、麻烦你,快来烦我 。
Please, come and trouble me.
14、你喜欢我,我允许 。
You like me, I allow it.
15、字里行间,甜在心头 。
Between the lines, sweet in the heart.
16、我怎么舍得,你输呢 。
How can I give up? You lose.
17、灯笼易灭,恩宠难寻 。
The lantern is easy to extinguish, but the favor is hard to find.
18、睡一张床,回一个家 。
Sleep in a bed and go home.
19、你身边,始终有我 。
You always have me by your side.
20、红尘太浅,思念太深 。
The world of mortals is too shallow, missing too deep.
21、情比金坚,至死不逾 。
Love is stronger than gold till death.
22、爱,是心灵不再孤寂 。
Love means that the heart is no longer lonely.
23、思念是你,马不停蹄 。
Miss is you, never stop.
24、情人眼里,总美丽 。
Beauty is always in the eyes of lovers.
25、你的脾气,我独家承受 。
【描写男生纹身英文句子简短】I'll take your temper.
