精选46句 关于2021年关于圣诞节的抖音文案

1、You are mine,no one can take away,I am so overbearing; I am yours,no onecan take away,I am so stubborn. Merry Christmas!
2、在美麗的聖誕送上祝福 。
3、麵對聖誕,麵對身邊匆匆而過的人,想起你,心中有一種感動 。愛就是那種無法言抒的表達 。
4、Best wishes for a beautiful Christmas.
5、I always knew you were the one who believed me when I showed up. Dear,happy Christmas Eve!
6、其實我一直相信等你出現的時候我就知道是你 。親愛的,平安夜快樂!
8、我無法給你全世界,但我的整個世界,都可以給你 。聖誕快樂,我的小可愛!
9、In the face of Christmas,in the face of people passing by in a hurry,thinking of you,there is a feeling in my heart. Love is an expression thatcannot be expressed.
11、For this one,and for more coming Christmas.
12、Wishing you and your family a merry Christmas this holiday season.
13、In this holy festival,send a simple blessing to my beloved: MerryChristmas!
14、With a heart of blessing,on this special day,may happiness,happiness,flowers and all the best wishes be with you.
15、We are happy together at Christmas!
16、Dear love,on this white Christmas night,I hope you can feel my blessingand love from afar,kiss you!
18、我不能給你全世界,但是,我的世界,全部給你 。聖誕快樂!
19、I haven't heard your voice for a long time. No one talks with me for a longtime. In the days of snowflakes flying,I really miss you. I wish you a happyChristmas!
20、I wish you the best on Christmas Eve. May the laughter and joy of Christmasalways haunt you!
21、Wishing you peace,joy and happiness through Christmas and the comingyear!
22、Christmas day want to trot,run and run,run into your heart,if not,Christmas Lord put you into my bed can also.
24、願你過個最愉快的聖誕節 。
25、聖誕節那天想要小跑一下,跑啊跑,跑進你心裡,要是不行,聖誕老爺把你塞到我床上也可以 。
26、May happiness be with you at any time,just as we are with you.
27、This is the most ordinary blessing,is the heart in the blessing; this isthe warmest greetings,is expressed with love! Merry Christmas!
28、你是我的,誰都搶不走,我就是這麼霸道;我是你的,誰都領不走,我就是這麼死心眼 。聖誕快樂!
30、Happy Christmas to you and your family.
31、在聖誕給你特彆的祝福 。
32、Special wishes for you. May Christmas and the New Year bring you endlesshappiness and happiness.
33、I can't give you the whole world,but my whole world can give you. MerryChristmas,my little one!
34、Special wishes for you at Christmas.
35、I can't give you the whole world,but my world,all for you. MerryChristmas!
36、聖誕老爺爺您好,我把床暖好了,您可以把我喜歡的人塞我被窩裡了,謝謝 。
37、給你特彆的祝福,願聖誕和新年帶給你無邊的幸福、如意 。
39、值此佳節,祝你全家聖誕快樂 。
40、Colorful snowflakes,white winter,red Christmas,warm season,in thisquiet moment,I sincerely wish you a happy Christmas!
41、祝福您及您的家人聖誕快樂 。
