中英文2020520情书情句情话分享 Love letters, love sentences, love words( 三 )

I like you so much for three minutes, but I remember you so clearly. Not that you all have what I like, but that I like what you have.
42、我的眼中没有星辰大海 , 没有纸醉金迷 , 没有灯红酒绿 , 只有你 。
In my eyes, there is no sea of stars, no paper addiction, no red lights, only you.
43、我会藏在你最爱的酸奶里 , 趁着你不喝的时候借吸管呼吸 。
I’ll hide in your favorite yogurt and breathe through a straw when you don’t drink it.
44、忘掉岁月 , 忘掉痛苦 , 忘掉你的坏 , 我们永不永不说再见 。
Forget the years, forget the pain, forget your bad, we will never say goodbye.
45、你不需要再改变了 , 因为我在改变着自己 。我真的很爱你 。
You don’t need to change anymore, because I’m changing myself. I really love you.
46、彼此相爱就是幸福 。如此简单 , 如此难 。
To love each other is happiness. So simple, so difficult.
47、我想和你在一起 , 却只是想想而已 。
I want to be with you, but I just want to think about it.
48、除非黄土白骨 , 我守你百岁无忧 。
Unless loess and white bone, I will keep you safe for a hundred years.
49、不管你离我多远丶我只会离你一个转身的距离 。
No matter how far you are from me, I will only turn away from you.
50、我喜欢黑夜 , 因为在黑色的夜里我能用我黑色的眼睛大胆凝望你 。
I like the night, because in the dark night I can look at you boldly with my black eyes.
51、爱是一颗心遇上另一颗心 , 而不是一张脸遇上另一张脸 。
Love is when one heart meets another heart, not when one face meets another face.
52、纵有桃花朵朵开 , 取一朵放心上足矣 。
Even if there are peach blossoms, it is enough to take one.
53、我坏 , 因为你 , 我好也只为你!
I am bad, because of you, I am good only for you!
54、随缘不是得过且过 , 因循苟且 , 而是尽人事听天命 。
Successful fate is not muddling along, abiding by meticulous rules, but doing everything possible to obey the destiny of the heavens.
55、此生能够遇上你 , 是上苍对我最大的赐福 , 我会好好珍惜这份缘 。
Meeting you in this life is God’s greatest blessing to me, I will cherish this fate.
56、我想在五十年之后 , 我一定还是像现在一样爱你 。
I think in fifty years, I will still love you as I do now.
57、亲爱的 , 帮我在户口本上签个字 , 就在配偶栏上就可以了 。
Honey, help me sign my account book, just on the spouse bar.
58、我知道我为什么一直瘦不下来了 , 因为身体里面装了一个你 。
I know why I can’t keep losing weight because I have you in my body.
59、不要再伪装了 , 我早已看清你的真面目 , 只是不想揭穿 。
Stop disguising. I’ve seen you for a long time. I just don’t want to expose you.
60、我拒绝那么多的暧昧 , 只为了你一个不确定的未来 。
I refuse so many ambiguities, just for your uncertain future.
61、爱上一个人的时候 , 总会有点害怕 , 怕得到他;怕失掉他 。
When you fall in love with someone, you are always afraid of getting him or losing him.
62、亲爱的 , 你今天在我的脑海里跑了一天 , 累不累?
Honey, are you tired after a day of running in my mind today?
63、在这个世界上真正属于我的只有你 , 真正属于你的只有我 。
