There are two etymologies for carnation, a term found in English in the early 1500s. According to one, carnation may be a corruption of coronation, perhaps because the flower’s toothed petals resembled crowns or because the flowers were worn, crown-like, as garlands. The second etymology comes from the flower’s original color, and roots carnation in the Middle French carnation, “pink complexion,” from the Latin root caro, “flesh,” source of less delicate words like carnal and carnage.
Carnation(康乃馨)在16世纪初期出现在英语中 , 关于carnation的词源有两种说法 。其中一种说法认为 , carnation可能是coronation(加冕礼)的变体 , 因为康乃馨的锯齿状花瓣好像皇冠 , 又或者是因为人们把这种花当花冠佩戴 。第二种说法与康乃馨的原色有关 , 认为carnation这个名字来自中古法语carnation(粉红的气色) , 这个单词的拉丁语词根是caro(肉欲) , 与carnal(肉欲的)、carnage(大屠杀)等不太好听的单词词根相同 。
The word chrysanthemum, emerging in English in the late 1500s, comes from the Greek krysanthemon, meaning “gold flower.” The first component, krysos (“gold”), shows up in the biological term chrysalis. The second, anthos (“flower”), appears in anthology, literally “a collection of flowers,” first used for a compilation of small poems in the early 1600s.
Chrysanthemum在16世纪末期传入英语 , 这个单词源于希腊语krysanthemon(金色的花朵) 。第一个组成部分krysos意为“金色的” , 是形容蝶蛹的生物学术语 。Anthos表示“花朵” , 它也是anthology的词根 。Anthology意为 “鲜花大全” , 在17世纪初期时 , 这个单词用来表示短诗集 。
3. DAISY雏菊
The word daisy has deep roots in the English language. As attested to in some of English’s earliest records, daisy comes from the Old English phrase d?gesege: the “day’s eye,” as the flower’s white petals close at dusk and open at dawn, like the eye of the day as it sleeps and wakes.
Daisy是一个地地道道的英语单词 。根据一些英语相关的早期记载 , Daisy来自于古英语短语d?gesege , 意思是“日之眼” 。白色的雏菊黎明花开 , 黄昏花谢 , 就像是每一天的眼睛一样睡去醒来 。
The anemone is also known as the windflower. Indeed, the word anemone, first attested in English in the mid-1500s, probably comes from a Greek word literally meaning “daughter of the wind.” It’s said that the brightly colored petals of this flower only opened when the wind blew. Sea anemones took their names in the late 1700s on their likeness to the flowers.
Anemone(银莲花)也被称为风之花 。事实上 , anemone是在16世纪中叶首次出现在英语中的 , 它可能起源于一个希腊单词 , 意思是“风的女儿” 。据说 , 明媚鲜艳的银莲花只有在风吹过时才会绽放 。因为银莲花和海葵有几分相似 , 到18世纪末期时 , 人们将海葵(一种长在水中的食肉动物)称为sea anemone 。
The name forget-me-not was a direct translation from the Old French ne m’oubliez mye (“do not forget me”). Renaissance romantics believed that, if they wore these soft-colored flowers, they would never be forgotten by their lovers, making the flower a symbol of fidelity and everlasting love.
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