
1、On May 4, my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, and l go to visit the longqingxia.Dad drove all the way through the many high mountains and tunnel, finally arrived the longqingxia. Through the gate, is mountains and waterfalls, l saw a line through the waterfallice plunges three thousand feet,baizhang cliff, a spectacular landscape.
From the dragons mouth in the elevator, we climbed over a mountain, plexus beaten up. And take a boat tour, l saw a lot of mountains, on the ship boat gently, slowly moving in thecanyon, green mountains, green water, so l have a feeling in poems show.
We took many pictures and videos, I was very happy.l finally to leave the beautiful the longqingxia.
2、5月4日 , 我和姥爷、姥姥、爸爸、妈妈 , 一起去龙庆峡游玩 。
爸爸开车一路上经过了许多高山和遂道 , 终于到了龙庆峡 。进了大门 , 映入眼帘的是高山和瀑布 , 透过瀑布我看见一行字“飞流直下三千尺 , 悬崖百丈冰” , 好一幅雄伟壮观的风景画 。
我们从龙嘴进去乘电梯 , 翻过一座大山 , 丛龙尾出来 。又乘游船游览 , 在船上我看见好多高山 , 船在峡谷里轻轻地、缓缓地行驶 , 青青的山 , 绿绿的水 , 真让我有一种入诗入画的感觉 。
我们拍了好多照片和录像 , 我非常高兴 。最后我依依不舍的离开了美丽的龙庆峡 。
