孕期“无收入”被离婚:这个时代,女性该如何应对焦虑?( 五 )

O’Connor, P. (2017). Anxiety is a part of humannature. Psychology Today.
Planned Parenthood. (2007). What are gerroles and stereotypes? Planned Parenthood.
Romm, C. (2017). Why Does Being a Woman PutYou at Greater Risk of Having Anxiety? Science of Us.
Sandberg, S. (2013). Lean in: Women, work, andthe will to lead. Random House.
Smith, M., Segal, M., & Segal, J.(2016). How to stop worry. Helpguide, collaborate with Harvard HealthPublication.
Sun, Y., & Wang, W. (2015). Analysis ofSex Dimorphism and Social Psychological Factors of Social Anxiety Disorder.
The Wall Street Journal(2016). What’s YourPay Gap?
WHO (2009). Pharmacological Treatment of MentalDisorders in Primary Health Care.
Zukerman(2011). Why women get anxious atthat ‘time of the month’. NewScientist.

以上内容就是孕期“无收入”被离婚:这个时代 , 女性该如何应对焦虑?的内容啦 , 希望对你有所帮助哦!
