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Did you know?
· The solid red Irish Setter first appeared in Ireland in the 19th century.
· The earliest ancestors of the Irish Setter were not solid red, in fact, they were red and white.
· The Irish Setter first became popular in the 18th century.
So you want to own an Irish Setter?
The Irish Setters coat requires weekly attention to avoid mats.
The Irish Setter likes lots of exercise and requires long walks.
The Irish Setter is not an early developer and they frequently require more training than some other breeds.
Breed StandardGeneral Appearance
The Irish Setter is an active, aristocratic bird dog, rich red in color, substantial yet elegant in build. Standing over two feet tall at the shoulder, the dog has a straight, fine, glossy coat, longer on ears, chest, tail and back of legs. Afield, the Irish Setter is a swift-moving hunter; at home, a sweet natured, trainable companion.
At their best, the lines of the Irish Setter so satisfy in overall balance that artists have termed it the most beautiful of all dogs. The correct specimen always exhibits balance, whether standing or in motion. Each part of the dog flows and fits smoothly into its neighboring parts without calling attention to itself.
Size, Proportion, Substance
There is no disqualification as to size. The make and fit of all parts and their overall balance in the animal are rated more important. 27 inches at the withers and a show weight of about 70 pound [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页
screen.width-500)this.style.width=screen.width-500;" border="0" dypop="按此在新窗口浏览图片">
Did you know?
· The solid red Irish Setter first appeared in Ireland in the 19th century.
· The earliest ancestors of the Irish Setter were not solid red, in fact, they were red and white.
· The Irish Setter first became popular in the 18th century.
So you want to own an Irish Setter?
The Irish Setters coat requires weekly attention to avoid mats.
The Irish Setter likes lots of exercise and requires long walks.
The Irish Setter is not an early developer and they frequently require more training than some other breeds.
Breed StandardGeneral Appearance
The Irish Setter is an active, aristocratic bird dog, rich red in color, substantial yet elegant in build. Standing over two feet tall at the shoulder, the dog has a straight, fine, glossy coat, longer on ears, chest, tail and back of legs. Afield, the Irish Setter is a swift-moving hunter; at home, a sweet natured, trainable companion.
【运动犬组 Irish Setter爱尔兰塞特犬】At their best, the lines of the Irish Setter so satisfy in overall balance that artists have termed it the most beautiful of all dogs. The correct specimen always exhibits balance, whether standing or in motion. Each part of the dog flows and fits smoothly into its neighboring parts without calling attention to itself.
Size, Proportion, Substance
There is no disqualification as to size. The make and fit of all parts and their overall balance in the animal are rated more important. 27 inches at the withers and a show weight of about 70 pound [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页
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