托福听力重听题考什么 托福听力重听题出题思路实例讲解

托福听力想要得到高分并非易事 。而作为托福听力中比较容易得分的题型之一,重听题其实是相对较简单也有一些技巧可以遵循的题型 。下面小编就和大家分享托福听力重听题出题思路实例讲解,欢迎阅读!
托福听力重听题出题思路实例讲解 简单题型保分也要学技巧
重听题意在考察考生能否理解说话人说这句话的原因,目的和态度,能否明白字面以外的意思 。大致有两种典型的提问方式:
· What does the professor imply when he says about this?
· Why does the student say this?
另外,重听题的出题点常在文章明显语气变化处,或者话语转换处 。
Student: Oh, I see. At first I wasn’t sure what growing season meant, just from the reading. But now I get it. It's the amount of time it takes for them to grow, right? So it would be five months?
Professor: Umm? Oh, uh… I’m sorry but no. It has nothing to do with that. Why does the professor say this
A. To inform the student that his definition is incorrect
【托福听力重听题考什么 托福听力重听题出题思路实例讲解】B. To suggest that the student did not do the reading
C. To encourage the student to try again
D. To change the topic of discussion
这道题的出题点在professor 的语气处 。“Umm?Oh…I’m sorry but no.”
1)解释说明:解释说明题多出现在教授提出一个大家不认识的单词或者不熟悉的现象之后,直接解释或者通过问题来引出解释 。
2)纠正错误:重听题中的纠错多表现于教授对于学生所说的内容的纠正 。
3)举例论证:重听题中学生或者教授会用自己的故事或经历来表示支持所表达的观点 。
官方真题Official7 Lecture1为例:
Professor: This is the inciting incident. It sets off, the plot of the play.
文中教授先提出一个专有名词,第二句是对专有名词inciting incident的解释 。
Student: Oh, I see. At first I wasn’t sure what growing season meant, just from the reading. But now I get it. It's the amount of time it takes for them to grow, right? So it would be five months?
Professor: Umm? Oh, uh… I’m sorry but no. It has nothing to do with that.
Why does the professor say this
A. To inform the student that his definition is incorrect
B. To suggest that the student did not do the reading
C. To encourage the student to try again
D. To change the topic of discussion
解析:请注意虽然问题的考点是后面那句话“It has nothing to do with that”但是如果你听出了professor的语气的话,你甚至可以在还没有听到后面那句陈述句的时候就能够从她前面的语气中明白她对之前学生讲的这番话的态度了 。很显然她是在纠正学生的错误,所以答案选A 。
