托福听力讲评 托福听力讲座天文类话题结构介绍和举例( 三 )

它一个小时大约行进20英里 。
It looks like hard work, but hopping actually lets the kangaroo conserve more energy than another animal could when running on four legs.
看起来似乎很辛苦,但是跳跃实际上让袋鼠你能比其他四条腿奔跑的动物保存更多的能量 。
In fact, up to a certain point, the faster a kangaroo goes the more energy it conserves.
事实上,在某种程度上,袋鼠行进的越快节省的能量越多 。
Rather than taking more hops to increase speed, the kangaroo makes the length of each jump longer.
与其说用更多的跳跃来增加速度,不如说袋鼠使每次的跳跃长度更长 。
Let's stop here for a minute. Take a look over on your right at this group of kangaroos resting.
让我们停在这里一小会儿 。看看在你的右边正在休息的这群袋鼠 。
Can you see that their ears are moving? Hearing may well be the kangaroo's most important sense.
你能看见他们的耳朵在动吗?听力很可能袋鼠的最重要的感觉 。
Their two large ears can move independently, so sometimes one ear is pointing forward and the other toward the rear.
它们的两只大耳朵能独立地动,所以有时一只耳朵向前一只耳朵向后 。
Kangaroos' eyesight is also excellent. They have a wide field of vision and, like most grazing animals, they are especially good at detecting movement.
袋鼠的视力也很棒 。它们有一个宽广的视野,而且,像大多数食草动物一样,它们尤其擅长侦测动作 。
Before we move on, I'd like to point out one more thing: If you look closely, you can see a joey that's a baby kangaroo peering out of its mother's pouch.
在我们继续之前,我想再指出一件事:如果你仔细观察,你能见到一只幼仔,那是一只小袋鼠正从妈妈的育儿袋里隐约露出来 。
Before long that joey will be out of the pouch for good. The mother will push it out by the time it's eight months old.
不久以后那只幼仔将永久地从育儿袋里出来 。妈妈将在它八个月大时强迫它出来 。
