雅思口语考试内容流程 雅思口语流程了解一下

雅思口语考察部分有三,你清楚每一个部分是如何进行的么,今天小编给大家带雅思口语流程 了解一下,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧 。
雅思口语流程 了解一下
雅思口语考试流程——开始一个雅思口试部分考生可以随便的去谈,2分钟左右即可 。此方面是回答问题部分,老师说什么,你要做的只是回答什么可以了 。大家在平日单词词汇积累问题,提醒大家还能够更多的去积累一些词汇量,在考试时能够脱口而答 。开始会面,寒暄一番,主考官会鼓励(引导考生)多谈谈一般话题(生活作息上、文化习惯上、个人兴趣等等),考生应勇敢发言(约4-5分钟) 。
雅思口语流程如何走——第二个雅思口试上有3到4分钟时间阐述个人观点 。大家是要通过给出的考试题材做一个一分钟又或是一分半钟的重点陈述 。再更加精简干练的句子来表达出自己看到之后的观点和感受 。
雅思口语流程如何走——第三个雅思口试部分成为了大家第二部分所提及的话题以及考生做更深入的双向讨论,又或是考官其他话题与考生进行双向讨论 。此阶段讨论内容灵活各异,视情况而定(约4-5分钟) 。
雅思口语part 3 是老师问问题,你一定要与老师交互多一些,还需要去看看你回答的长短来决定问题的多少,若是你每一个问题回答的都很少,老师才会通过多问来诱导你多说,但是如果你每个问题都说的比较长,那么问题会少点,一般至少3个问题 。时间是有老师把控的,你只要和老师沟通好 。
QuestionDo you think that young people should do more sport in school today?
Sample Answer I certainly do. I think that young people today are getting quite lazy and this is bad for their health, I’m convinced that schools put too much emphasis on academic subjects, so I firmly believe that good sports classes and sport facilities are very important.
QuestionDo you believe that children can learn a lot from team sports?
Sample Answer
Yes, I do. Children need to learn to work in groups and co-operate as well as build leadership skills. Sport is also good for children to learn to be competitive in a mature manner. It’s also very important that children keep fit and healthy. For example, it’s been proven that children who learn to play team spots grow up to be more understanding and co-operative adults.
Key Words
certainly [?s??t(?)nli] adv. 的确,无疑问地
convinced [k?n'v?nst] adj. 确信的 v. 使确信
put too much emphasis on 太过于强调
academic [?k?'dem?k] subject 文化课
frmly [f??mli] adv. 坚定地
sport facilities [f?'s?l?t?z] n. 健身器具
Co-operate [k?u'?p?reit] v. 合作
build leardership skills 培养领导能力
