OCEAN什么意思 ocean的意思用法总结( 二 )

9.Oceans don't so much divide the world as unite it.与其说海洋将世界分开, 倒不如说它们将世界连成一体 。
10.The raft was -ried by ocean currents to a small island.筏子被洋流飘送到一座小岛上 。
11.Their car crashed into a guardrail. The airplane crashed over the ocean.他们的车撞上护栏 。飞机在海洋上坠毁
12.I hope the youngling can experience the mystery and oddness from the ocean.我希望年轻人能够体验海洋的神秘和奇妙 。
13.Crewless ships wander the oceans spewing saltwater into the air to increase cloud cover.把成千上万的反射镜安放于地球同步轨道上,以期拦住太阳光;
14.Earth with her nether Ocean circumfused.有地下海洋环流的地球 。
15.There are an ocean of flowers.有许多的花 。
16.Hawaii is in the Pacific ocean.夏威夷在太平洋中 。
17.At some unspecified time in earth s past, God created microscopic algas in the oceans.在地球历史上的某个时候,上帝创造了海洋中的微小海 藻。
18.Gnomonic charts are published covering the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, except for an equatorial belt in each ocean.出版大圆海图覆盖大西洋,太平洋和印度洋(各大洋近赤道带水域除外) 。
19.Li of marvellous ocean living things: Do Ascidian sea lily , you know several?首页>>风景名胜>>海洋里奇妙生物:海鞘海百合,你知道几个?
20.Some undefinable time later, Obi-Wan felt his head and shoulders breach the surface of the lightless ocean.不知过了多久,欧比旺终于感觉到脑袋和双肩浮出了那暗无天日的海洋的水面 。

