look的多种意思 look的意思用法总结( 二 )

look upon 看待;把…看作
look out 注意;面朝;照料
look good 看起来很好看
look down 俯视;向下看;用目光慑服某人;[股]看跌
new look 新面目,新气象
look as 把…看作
1.What exactly are you looking for?
2.Looks aren't everything, she looks a little dopy to me.不能只看外貌,我看她脑子不灵 。
3.I said you look terrible in jest, actually, you look very pretty.我说你看上去很糟糕是开玩笑, 其实你看上去很漂亮 。
4.The small meatball attagirl, lets mother have a look, looks at the hemp together.小丸子好棒,让妈妈看看,一块看麻 。
5.Oh no,just look at what the hairdresser’s done to my hair! I look a fright!天哪,看看理发师把我的头发弄成了什么样子?真难看!
6.She was actively looking for a job.她在积极找工作 。
7.You look awfully pale,are you all right?你面色很苍白,身体怎么了?
8.The robber gave me a baleful look.那强盗用威胁的眼光看着我 。
9.He looks grey, owlish, bespectacled, and glum.他头发灰白,戴着眼镜,显得严肃和阴郁 。
10.Town looked a good bet for victory.看上去汤恩是一个很有成功希望的人选 。
11.She looked lovingly into her boyfriend’s face.她钟爱地望着男友的脸 。
12.Go forward bravely,my younger sister,don’t look behind.妹妹你大胆地往前走,莫回头 。
13.Look at various clownism of petty thieves!首页>>搞笑贴图>>看小偷们的各种丑态!
14.Stir the mixture until it looks creamy.将混合料搅拌至乳脂状 。
15.Look around you before crossing the streets.在横过马路的时候先朝各方面看看 。
16.Look at the ice on that dame!看那个女爵士头上的冰!
17.Dan’s looking very nervous.Why? What’s his game?丹看上去很紧张,为什么?他在搞什么?
18.She darted an angry look at him.她向他怒目而视 。
19.They were detailed to look for water.他们被派去找水 。
20.He looked at it with dilated eyes.他睁大了眼睛看它 。

