ton短语 ton的用法总结大全

ton的用法你知道吗?今天小编给大家带来ton的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧 。
n. 吨,大量,许多
ton的基本意思是“吨”“公吨”,常用作重量单位,是可数名词,ton的复数形式与of连用时意思是“大量” 。
ton在俚语中可作“很重”“好重”解,也可作“每小时100英里”解 。作这两个意思解时,常用单数名词形式,与不定冠词a连用 。
The maximum load for this lorry is one ton.这辆卡车最大载重量是一吨 。
How many tons does this elephant weigh?这头大象重多少吨?
【ton短语 ton的用法总结大全】1.This export project includes two sets of 40 ton dock container cranes and 3 sets of wheel-type gantry cranes
这个出口项目包括两台四十吨岸边集装箱起重机和三台轮胎式龙门起重机 。2.The type of hundredweight or ton should be clearly stated in quotations and in sales confirmations
在报价和售货确认书中,对“英担”或“吨”要明确表示它所代表的实际重量 。3.Computers can store a ton of data and their laptop companions make all that information portable
电脑可以储存大量的数据资料,而且便携式电脑使所有资料便于携带 。4.We can supply 1000 tons of tallow AT US $ 300 per ton FOB Sydney
我公司可供一千吨兽脂,每吨300美圆,FOB(离岸价)悉尼 。5.We can book 20 000 tons of fertilizers AT US $ 200 per ton fob Osaka
我公司可订购二万吨化肥,fob(离岸价)大阪,每吨二百美圆 。6.We now offer l00 tons of bitter apricot kernels at the lowest US S 1000 per ton CIF Shanghai
我公司现报盘一百吨苦杏仁,每吨最低一千美圆CIF(到岸价)上海 。7.We understand that you are interested in... and are offering you, by our cable of ..., a parcel at the price of ... per ton CIF... .
获悉你方对...感兴趣,我方于...月...日电报报价如下每吨...英镑CIF...8.He admitted he was in the wrong and had already expressed his apology. But why should you still COME down on him like a ton of Bricks?
他承认那是他的不是,而且也向你表示了歉意 。你为什么还要对他如此的不依不饶呢?9.”So, we're using one kite in 15 mile per hour winds to lift up a three and half ton block,” said Caltech student Emilio Castano.
科技大学生艾米利奥-加斯塔诺说:""我们要用一只风筝在风速为每小时15英里的情况下抬起3吨半重的石块 。10.Usually to produce 1 ton of iron needs about 2 tons of iron-bearing feed, 0.5 ton of Coke, 1/3 ton of limestone, and 4 tons of air.
通常生产1吨铁需要约2吨含铁炉料,0.5吨焦炭,1;3吨石灰石和4吨空气 。
1、Every year they panned about a ton and a half of gold.
