gre阅读150分 GRE阅读高分学霸传授应对术语词汇3个实用技巧( 四 )

144. Each pea and peach on the beach can be reached by the peacock.
海滩上的每一颗豌豆和桃子孔雀都能触及 。
145. Although the plan was thorough, it was not carried through.
尽管计划很周详,但是没有得到贯彻 。
146. Thoughtful men ought not to be thoughtless about the drought.
体贴的人不应该对干旱考虑不周 。
147. “Rough cough is tough enough,” Bough said while touching the torch.
“剧烈咳嗽是够难以对付的 。”大树枝在触摸手电筒时说道 。
148. The football team stopped the steam stream with beams.
足球队用横杆堵住了蒸汽流 。
149. "Ice-cream!" he screamed in dream.
“冰淇淋!”他在梦中惊叫道 。
150. For example, this simple sample similar to his can be exemplified.
例如,这件与他的相似的简单样品可以作为例证 。
151. The spy is shy of taking shelter on the shelf of the shell-like shed.
间谍怕在壳子一样的棚里的架子上栖身 。
152. The optional helicopter is adopted to help the optimistic helpless in the hell.
可选用的直升飞机被用来帮助地狱里那些乐观的无助者 。
153. The cell seller seldom sees the bell belt melt.
小单间的卖主很少见到铃铛带子融化 。
154. The costly post was postponed because of the frost.
那件昂贵的邮件由于霜的缘故而延搁 。
155. Srain brain on the train is restrained.
在列车上过度用脑受到约束 。
156. The gained grain drained away with the rain, all the pains were in vain again.
收获的谷物随雨水流失了,所有辛劳又白费 。
157. Cousin saw a group of couples in cloaks soak their souls in the soapy soup.
表哥看见一群穿着斗篷的夫妇在肥皂汤里浸泡灵魂 。
158. The wounded founder bought a pound of compound.
受伤的奠基人买了一磅化合物 。
159. It's easy and feasible to control the disease after cease-fire.
停火之后控制这种病很容易也可行 。
160. After a decrease, the price of the grease increases increasingly.
下跌过一次之后,润滑脂的价格日益上涨 。
