tired用法搭配 tired的用法总结大全( 二 )

我很累 。
I'm tired and jet-lagged.
我又累又有时差 。
I feel tired after school.
放学后我感觉很累 。
His long speech tired everyone.
他的长篇发言让大家厌烦 。
If you are tired, rest.
如果你累了,那么就请你休息 。
There is a tired woman in sidestep.
台阶上有一个疲劳的妇女 。
This morning I felt tired and lackluster.
今天早上觉得很累,而且没有精神 。
We are really tired of these wars.
我们对这些战争感到疲倦不堪 。
I'm tired of his complaints.
我听腻了他的抱怨 。
tired from 和 tired of 的用法区别
一、be tired from sth 因……而疲乏,比如因做家务而累,偏重身体上的,强调造成累和疲劳是有原因的,例如:
I'm tired from doing homework.我做作业做得很累 。
I'm so tired from working out all afternoon. 运动了一整个下午,我累坏了 。
Are you tired from walking all that way? 一路走来你累了吗?
I'm tired from the one job I'm doing poorly. 我已经厌倦我做不好的那份工作了 。
She was tired from long studying. 她因长时间学习而感到累了 。
二、be tired of sth/doing sth/sb 对……厌倦或厌烦做某事,比如厌烦某种东西某个人,或者厌烦做什么事,这个词组主要是情绪、情感上的,例如:
I'm sick and tired of all the arguments.我对所有这些争论烦透了 。
She was tired of hearing about their trip to India.她听腻了他们的印度之行 。
I'm tired of doing homework.我讨厌做作业 。
She was tired of him and wanted to leave him, perhaps to marry somebody else. 她已经厌倦了他,打算离开他,也许嫁给别的什么人 。
I am tired of all the speculation. 我厌烦了所有的推测 。
I was tired of being a bookkeeper. 我厌倦了当簿记员 。
I'm tired of listening to all this. 这些话我都听腻了 。

