【Silent Night歌词中文翻译】Silent night! Holy night! 平安夜,圣善夜 。All is calm, all is bright! 真宁静,真光明 。Round young virgin mother and child!圣光环绕圣母圣婴,Holy Infant, so tender and mild, 圣洁婴孩纯真可爱 。Sleep in heavenly peace, 尽享天赐安眠,Sleep in heavenly peace. 尽享天赐安眠 。Silent night! Holy night! 平安夜,圣善夜 。Shepherds quake at the sight! 牧羊人,在旷野 。Glories stream from heaven afar, 看见天上荣光降下,Heav'nly hosts sing Alleluia; 众军齐唱哈利路亚 。Christ the Savior is born! 主耶稣今降生,Christ the Savior is born! 主耶稣今降生 。Silent night! Holy night!平安夜,圣善夜 。Son of God, love's pure light 神子爱,光皎洁 。Radiant beams from thy holy face, 这是救恩黎明光芒,With the dawn of redeeming grace, 救赎恩典降临四方 。Jesus, Lord, at thy birth, 主耶稣已降生,Jesus, Lord, at thy birth. 主耶稣已降生 。
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