女娲补天英语简短版 英文版女娲补天的故事

女娲补天英语简短版 英文版女娲补天的故事

【女娲补天英语简短版 英文版女娲补天的故事】1、Nu Wa Mends the Sky
It is said that there were no men when the sky and the earth were separated.It was Nuwa who made men by moulding yellow clay.NThe work was so taxing that her strength was not equal to it.So she dipped a rope into the mud and then lifted it.The mud that dripped from the rope also became men.Those made by moulding yellow clay were rich and noble,while those made by lifting the rope were poor and low.
In a ancient times,the four corners of the sky collapsed and the world with its nine regions split open.The sky could not cover all the things under it,nor could the earth carry all the things on it.A great fire raged and would not die out;a fierce flood raced about and could not be checked.Savage beasts devoured innocent people;vicious birds preyed on the weak and old.
Then Nuwa melted rocks of five colours and used them to mend the cracks in the sky.She supported the four corners of the sky with the legs she had cut off from a giant turtle.She killed the black dragon to save the people of J1zhou,and blocked the flood with the ashes of reeds.
Thus the sky was mended,its four corners lifted,the flood tamed,Jizhou pacified,and harmful birds and beasts killed,and the innocent people were able to live on the square earth under the dome of the sky.It was a time when birds,beasts,insects and snakes no longer used their claws or teeth or poisonous stings,for they did not want to catch or eat weaker things.
Nuwas deeds benefited the heavens above and the earth below.Her name was remembered by later generations and her light shone on every creation.Now she was traveling on a thunder-chariot drawn by a two-winged dragon and two green hornless dragons,with auspicious objects in her hands and a special mattress underneath,surrounded by golden clouds,a white dragon leading the way and a flying snake following behind.Floating freely over the clouds,she took ghosts and gods to the ninth heaven and had an audience with the Heavenly Emperor at Lin Men where she rested in peace and dignity under the emperor.She never boasted of her achievements,nor did she try to win any renown;she wanted to conceal her virtues,in line with the ways of the universe.
传说很久很久以前,没有天,没有地,没有山川湖泊,没有花草树木,没有飞禽走兽,更不用说有人类 。在盘古开天辟地之后才有了万物生灵 。不知哪一年,西天突然塌了一块,天河中的水哗哗地从缺口流下人间,淹死了无数人畜,天下顿时沦为泽国 。
当时,有个姑娘名叫女娲,住在再大的水也淹不到的山崖洞里 。她目睹百姓颠沛流离,动了恻隐之心,立誓要把天上缺口补起来 。她离开所住的崖洞,爬过无数高山,淌过许多大河,到处寻求补天的办法,可是都无结果 。
