【红河谷的原唱是谁啊】红河谷》是一首在加拿大平原地区广泛传唱的民歌,并且在美国也同样流行 。根据加拿大民俗学家Edith Fowke的考证,这首歌产生于1870年红河起义(The Red River Rebellion)的历史背景下 。那个时期,居住在曼尼托巴省红河谷流域的梅提人(Metis,源于一个法语单词,即混合的意思,此指欧洲人与当地原住民妇女的混血后裔),爆发了加拿大历史上有名的反抗英殖民统治的斗争,即红河起义 。《红河谷》歌词的最先版本就是描述了参加斗争的勇士们离开美丽富饶的家乡时,妻子或女友与其惜别时的感伤心情 。“不要离别得这样匆忙,要记住红河谷你的故乡,还有那热爱你的姑娘 。”尽管这首歌的起源是悲伤的,有着现实的痛苦和反抗,但流传至今,人们似已忘却了它的历史,而只记住了这首歌本身 。这首歌能使人们深深沉浸在对故乡的思念和对美好爱情追求的意境之中 。这或许就是《红河谷》传唱至今而不衰的原因吧! 演唱的人也有不少,但能够查询到的版本却不多,提供几个给你欣赏吧: 在线欣赏(推荐),可惜找不到里面这个版本,就当听个故事学英语吧: http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/song/6633.html Red River Valley Michael Martin Murphey Click here please!! http://www.kma.org/community/pds/file/RedriverValley.wma red river valley mitch miller http://music.cein.or.kr/technote/board/kam7/upfile/B04-RED_RIVER_VALLEY.mp3 Red River Valley Twins http://www.51share.net/upfiles/20044292045234265.mp3 Twins - Red River Valley from this valley they say you are going we will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile for they say you are taking the sunshine that has brightened our path for a while come and sit by my side if you love me do not hasten to bid me adieu but remember the red river valley and the cowboy who loved you so true from this valley they say you are going we will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile for they say you are taking the sunshine that has brightened our path for a while come and sit by my side if you love me do not hasten to bid me adieu but remember the red river valley and the cowboy who loved you so true
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