
三分钟英语短故事,不仅能在睡前给孩子讲平时也都可以说给他听,既有趣味又简短,今天就给大家整理了一些,分享给大家吧 。


One day, a little monkey is playing by the well. He went to in the well look, shouted: "oh! My god! The moon has fallen into a well!" A big monkey runs over, takes a look, and says: "my god! The moon is really in the water." Old monkey is also running over. He was surprised, cried out: "bad, the moon is really in the water." A group of monkeys run to the well, they see the moon in the well, shout: "the moon is really in the water! Come on! Let's pick it out!" Say, old monkey hangs upside down in the big tree, took the big monkey feet, the other monkeys follow, they join each other one by one until the well. They just want to touch the moon, the moon is looking up old monkey found hanging in heaven towards them laugh! It excited to shout loudly: "look, the moon is still a good hanging in the sky!
一天,有只小猴子在井边玩儿 。他往井里一看,高喊道:“哦!我的天!月亮掉在井里啦!”一只大猴子跑过来一看,说:“天哪!月亮掉在井里了 。”老猴子也跑过来 。他很惊奇,喊着说:“糟了,月亮掉在井里了 。"一群猴子跑到井边来,他们看到井里的月亮,喊到:“月亮掉在井里了!快来!让我们把它捞出来吧!”说着,老猴子倒挂在大树上,拉住大猴子的脚,其他的猴子一个个跟着,它们一只连着一只直到井里 。他们刚要摸到月亮的时候,老猴子抬头发现月亮正挂在天上冲他们笑呢!它兴奋地大叫:“快看,月亮还好好的挂在天上呢!”
An old man and a monkey life together. His wife had already died, and he has no children. The old man treated monkeys like their own children. One day, he want to do some things look at his monkey how clever.
The old man in a room put a small box. Then he put the little box on the big box. One small box had a and red and big apple. When the old man doing everything, he asks a monkey in the outside. When he finished all things, he want to let the monkeys into the room to search for the apple. In out of the room before, the old man of the right eye keyhole, and want to see monkeys are doing, to his surprise, he saw the monkey eyes. Originally, the monkey also through the keyhole to see the old man in the outside.
一个老人和一只猴子生活在一起 。他的妻子已经去世,而且他没有任何子女 。老人对待猴子就像自己的孩子一样 。一天,他想做些事情看看他的猴子究竟有多聪明 。
老人在一个房间里放了一些小盒子 。然后,他又把这这小盒子放在一些大盒子里 。其中一个小盒子里有一个又红又大的苹果 。当老人做着一切时,他要求猴子在外面等 。当他完成了所有事情后,他想让猴子进房间去寻找那个苹果 。在出房间前,老人把右眼对着钥匙孔,想看看猴子正在干什么,让他吃惊的是,他看见了猴子的眼睛 。原来,猴子也通过钥匙孔在外面看老人 。
