
患者 , 男 , 37岁 , 因急性高血压(220/120mm Hg)和不稳定性室性心动过速(需要心脏电复律)而入院 , 患者既往无不适 。 1年前的经胸超声心动图检查(TTE)显示:二尖瓣脱垂伴中度二尖瓣返流(MR) , 左心室(LV)大小和功能正常 , 右心室(RV)轻度扩大 。 【儿茶酚胺诱导的心肌病和嗜铬细胞瘤】完成机构:[1]Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, VA Boston Healthcare System andMassachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School [2]Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School [3]Department of Cardiology, VA Boston Healthcare System and Boston University Medical Center [4]Department of Anesthesiology, Boston University Medical Center, Boston University School of Medicine Boston, Massachusetts [5]不详
