

译为白话文:邹国同鲁国发生了冲突 。邹穆公问孟子说:“这一次冲突,我的官吏牺牲了三十三个,老百姓却没有一个为官吏死难的,杀了他们吧,杀不了那么多;不杀吧,他们瞪着两眼看着长官被杀却不去营救,实在可恨 。(您说)怎样办才好呢?”孟子答道:“当灾荒年岁,您的百姓,年老体弱的弃尸于山沟荒野之中,年轻力壮的便四处逃荒,这样的人该有千人了吧;而您的谷仓中堆满了粮食,库房里装满了财宝,这种情形,您的有关官吏谁也不来报告,这就是在上位的人不关心老百姓,并且还残害他们 。曾子曾经说过:提高警惕、提高警惕!你怎样去对待人家,人家将怎样回报你 。现在,您的百姓可以得到报复的机会了 。您不要责备他们!您如果实行仁政,您的百姓自然会爱护他们的上级,情愿为他们的长官牺牲的 。”译为英文:There was an armed conflict between Zou and Lu.Duke Mu of Zou asked ,"Thirty-three of my officials were killed in the conflict,but none of the common people would die in their defence.If I kill the common people,there are too many to be killed;if I do not kill them,then there they were,looking on with enmity at the death of their superiors without going to their rescue.What do you think is the right way to do with them?""In years of famine,"answered Mencius,"nearly a thousand of your people suffered with old and young dead in the gutter,and the ablebodied scattered in all directions,but your granaries and treasure-houses were full,and none of your officials had told you of the situation.This shows the negligence of the officials and their cruelty to the common people.Zengzi said:Take care!Take care!What you measure out will be paid back to you.Now the people have had the chance to pay back in your own coin.Do not blame them for it.Exercise benevolent government,and the people will love their superiors and die for them."
