taste the feeling什么意思

taste the feeling什么意思

taste the feeling意思 品尝......感觉In a society, where the love is flooded just like the fast food, someone may titter that, with such age, you even do not taste the feeling of love. It is so impossible.在这个爱情如快餐一样泛滥的社会里,也许有人会在一边偷笑:这么大了,连什么是爱情的滋味都没有尝过 。I will go back the home town to have a look for daddy and mama to taste the warm northeast feeling from my memory!我会替爸妈回去看看的,去感受来自记忆里东北方内份火啦啦的东北情!
【taste the feeling什么意思】
