1、端午节的由来是为了纪念著名的爱国主义诗人屈原而设立的节日 。
Dragon Boat Festival is a festival set up to commemorate the famous patriotic poet Quyuan.
【端午节的起源英语作文 用英文介绍端午节的由来】2、在我国历史上 , 端午节是为了纪念屈原的说法已经有1500多年的历史了 。相传 , 屈原投汨罗江后 , 当地百姓闻讯马上划船捞救 , 一直行至洞庭湖 , 始终不见屈原的尸体 。那时 , 恰逢雨天 , 湖面上的小舟一起汇集在岸边的亭子旁 。
In the history of our country, the idea that Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Quyuan has a history of more than 1500 years. Legend has it that after Quyuan threw himself into the Miluo River, the local people immediately rowed boats to rescue him, and went all the way to Do
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