Angel.琳儿 啥意思

Angel.琳儿 啥意思

angel: [ 'eind?0?1?0?5l ] n. 天使词形变化: 形容词:angelic 副词:angelically 例句与用法: 1. My little daughter is as lovely as an angel. 我的小女儿像天使一样可爱 。2. She is lovely -- as much so as an angel. 她可爱得像个天使 。英英解释: 名词angel:1. spiritual being attendant upon God2. person of exceptional holiness同义词:saint, holy man, holy person3. invests in a theatrical production同义词:backer4. the highest waterfall; has more than one leap; flow varies seasonally同义词:Angel Falls 后面的不用解释了 。
【Angel.琳儿 啥意思】
