


盆栽是一种以自然树木和石头等材料 , 通过园艺栽培和造型加工 , 在盆中表现自然美景的有生命的艺术 。 它起源于中国 , 在中国的南宋时期(日本的平安时代后期)传至日本 , 近代又从日本传至西方 , 今天已流传到全世界 。
[英译]:Originated inChina, bonsai (penzai) is a living art form using miniature trees grown in containers (pots or trays) , along with shaped rockeries and other materials, to create aesthetic representations of natural landscapes. The craft was brought toJapanin the Southern Song Dynasty of China (1127-1279) , or the late Pingan Period inJapan(794-1192) 。 It has now reached a worldwide audience ever since the art form was introduced to the West fromJapanin modern times.

盆景(Penjing)是中国优秀的传统艺术之一 。 中国盆景之所以名为盆景 , 就是取其“盆中之景”之意 。 它以植物、山石、土、水等为材料 , 经过艺术创作和园艺栽培 , 在盆中典型、集中地塑造大自然的优美景色 , 达到小中见大的艺术效果 , 同时以景抒怀 , 表现深远的意境 。 在中国 , “盆栽”是“盆景”的一部分 , 通常被称作“树木盆景” , 即盆中的树木景观 。 中国的“盆景”除了“树木盆景”之外 , 还包括“山水盆景”和“水旱盆景”等 。
[英译]:Chinese penjing, literally means “tray∕pot scenery,” are small-scale artistic renditions of natural landscapes by artistic orchestrations of carefully pruned trees, rocks, soil and water. As an art aiming at “seeing the big from tiny,” it is often created as a method of self-expression to convey personal emotions. InChina, bonsai is one of the three categories of penjing and is known as shumu penjing or “tree penjing,” with other two being shumu penjing or “water and land penjing.”
【谈中国的盆栽艺术】以木本植物为主要材料 , 通过攀扎、修剪、雕刻等造型加工和园艺栽培 , 在盆中表现自然界树木景观者 , 称为树木盆景;以自然石头为主要材料 , 经过精心选择和切截、雕凿、拼接等造型加工 , 适当点缀一些细小的植物 , 布置于水盆中 , 表现自然界山水景观者 , 称为山水盆景 。 水旱盆景则是树木盆景与山水盆景的结合 , 它的材料既有植物和土 , 又有石头和水 , 有时还放置一些小摆件 。 它所表现的是自然界那种树木、山石、陆地、水面兼而有之的“完整”景观 。
[英译]:While tree penjing depicts in containers the images of natural trees and plants , its dominant elements in the composition are wired, pruned and chiseled to create aesthetic images; landscape penjing specimens feature landscapes of islands and mountains by cutting, engraving and reshaping carefully chosen rocks, usually in contact with water and decorated with small live plants. A third category, water and land penjing, is a blend of the previous two types, depicting a more “complete” picture of a scene-not only a landscape consisting of mountains and water, but also the images of tree and plants. The source materials may include plants, rocks, soil, and water, if necessary, miniatures.
盆景是一门综合性的艺术 , 它以园艺栽培为技术支撑 , 同时和许多其它艺术都有着密切的联系 , 如园林、绘画、雕塑、诗歌、文学、陶瓷等 。
[英译]:As an integrated form of art, penjing is an extension of garden art, but with the help of devices and techniques form painting, sculpture, poetry and pottery making, among 养花怡人的意思 others.
盆景是自然美和艺术美的有机结合 。 它以自然物本身为主要材料 , 因而具有天然的神韵 , 其中的植物还具有生命的特征 , 能够随着时间的推移和季节的更替 , 呈现出不同的景色 。 因此 , 盆景又是一种活的艺术品 , 随着树龄的增加和季节的更替 , 显示出不同的景色 。
