伍迪 艾伦 所有电影

伍迪 艾伦 所有电影

巴塞罗纳午夜 Vicky Cristina Barcelona(2008)卡珊德拉之梦 Cassandra's Dream(2007)独家新闻 Scoop (2006)赛末点 Match Point (2005)双生美莲达 Melinda and Melinda (2004)卓别林的艺界人生 Charlie: The Life and Art of Charles Chaplin (2003)奇招尽出 Anything Else (2003)好莱坞结局 Hollywood Ending (2002)光影流情 Kid Stays In the Picture, The (2002)玉蝎咒 The Curse of the Jade Scorpion (2001)时空窃贼 Small Time Crooks (2000)Light Keeps Me Company (2000)数字世界 CyberWorld (2000)雷霆穿梭人 Picking Up the Pieces (2000)甜蜜的结局 Sweet and Lowdown (1999)名人录 Celebrity (1998)小蚁雄兵 Antz (1998)一百年一百部 AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movies (1998)解构爱情狂 Deconstructing Harry (1997)人人都说我爱你 Everyone Says I Love You (1996)乐天小子 Sunshine Boys, The (1996)非强力春药 Mighty Aphrodite (1995)百老汇上空的子弹 Bullets Over Broadway (1994)曼哈顿神秘谋杀 Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993)贤伉俪 Husbands and Wives (1992)影与雾 Shadows and Fog (1992)爱情外一章 Scenes from a Mall (1991)爱丽丝 Alice (1990)爱与罪 Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989)大都会传奇 New York Stories (1989)另一个女人 Another Woman (1988)情牵九月天 September (1987)那个时代 Radio Days (1987)李尔王 King Lear (1987)汉娜姐妹 Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)开罗紫玫瑰 Purple Rose of Cairo, The (1985)百老汇丹尼玫瑰 Broadway Danny Rose (1984)变色龙 Zelig (1983)仲夏夜绮梦 Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy (1982)星尘往事 Stardust Memories (1980)曼哈顿 Manhattan (1979)我心深处 Interiors (1978)安妮·霍尔 Annie Hall Anhedonia (1977)阳光小子 Sunshine Boys, The (1976)The Front (1976)爱与死 Love and Death (1975)傻瓜大闹科学城 Sleeper (1973)性爱宝典 Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask (1972)呆头鹅 Play It Again, Sam (1972)香蕉 Bananas (1971)Pussycat, Pussycat, I Love You (1970)傻瓜入狱记 Take the Money and Run (1969)铁金刚勇破皇家夜总会 Casino Royale (1967)出了什么事,老虎百合? What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)风流绅士 What's New, Pussycat (1965)导演影片《拿了钱就跑》《Take the Money and Run》1969《安妮·霍尔》《Annie Hall》1977《泽里格》《Aelig》1982《开罗的紫玫瑰》《The Purple Rose of Cairo》1985《汉娜姐妹》《Hannah and Her Sisters》《九月》《September》1987《雾中幽灵》《Shadows and Fog》1992《曼哈顿谋杀案》《Manhattan Munder Mystery》1993《子弹横飞百老汇》《Bullets Over Broadway》1994《无敌爱美神》《Mighty Aphrodite》19951986年《汉娜姐妹》获得奥斯卡最佳原创剧本1985年《开罗紫玫瑰》获得金球奖最佳剧本奖1977年《安妮·霍尔》获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖1975年《爱与死》获得柏林电影节最佳艺术贡献银熊奖
【伍迪 艾伦 所有电影】
