浪漫的老鼠The Tale of Despereaux很久很久以前,在遥远的天边,有一个叫做道尔的王国 。那里成天欢声笑语,有世上最美味的佳肴,有每年一度的甜汤盛宴,就连空气都充满魔力 。然而,就在举国欢庆的日子里,一场不幸的意外发生!王后猝死,国王心碎,并下令禁止所有美味佳肴,从此,道尔王国萎靡不振 。Long long ago, in the distant horizon, there is a kingdom called the kingdom of the. There all day long laughter, is the world's most delicious delicacies, there is the annual sweet feast, even the air is full of magic. However, in the whole country to celebrate the day, an unfortunate accident! The king and queen of sudden death, heart, banned all delicacies from the Kingdom low-spirited, doyle.就在这样充满黑暗和毫无生机的王国里,一个名叫德佩罗的小老鼠诞生了 。它身材矮小,却拥有两只硕大无比的大耳朵,自小体弱多病,但十分可爱 。在成长过程中,它和哥哥姐姐们住在图书馆里吃书度日,就此学会了阅读 。他最喜欢读那些英雄救美的故事,常常幻想自己也能成为一个英勇的骑士,在美人落难时拔刀相助,并成为让所有人尊敬和爱戴的英雄 。“天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志”,渴望成为英雄的德佩罗也终于因为触犯了国内严苛的律条被Later博士驱逐 。在道尔王国外的广袤土地上,德佩罗认识了同样被自己国家驱逐的老鼠罗斯库洛 。善良仁慈罗斯库洛(大灰鼠)因为打翻了王后的汤而被驱逐,从此以后都不敢照镜子,它生怕那样会令它想起从前所有令它不开心和给它带来痛苦的事 。In this dark and lifeless Kingdom, a little mouse named Depero was born. It has two gigantic stature, big ears, frail and sick child, but very cute. During the process of growing up, it has to live with the brothers and sisters in the library to eat books, and learned to read. He read the most love hero story, often imagine he can become a brave knight, in beauty draw a sword and render help when in trouble, and let all become loved and respected hero. "Days will be down to the great man also, must suffer, desire to be a hero Depero finally broke the harsh discipline because the expulsion by Dr. Later. In the vast expanse of land outside the king of kings, Depero met with his country's expulsion of the rat Ross Kulow. Kindness Ross Krol (rat) deported because over the Queen's soup, then did not dare to look in the mirror, for fear that it will make it remembered all make it happy and bring it to a painful thing.不久之后,流放的德佩罗得知豌豆公主被关入地牢,对公主心怀爱恋的德佩罗决定决一死战救出公主;肮脏的低下鼠类在其头目的召集之下打算以低下水沟为出发地,向人类发发起挑战 。最终罗斯库洛还是放回了公主,宽恕才是最好的 。道尔王国也恢复了往日的生机 。Soon after, the exiled Depero learned that the princess and the pea was put into the dungeon, with love to the princess Depero decided to rescue the princess; dirty low rodent intends to low water ditch as the starting in the call its leader under the challenge of human hair. Ross finally returned to the princess, forgiveness is the best. The kingdom of the kingdom of the Kingdom has returned to its former life.
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