精选 关于霸气的英文句子

一、放下所有,只留一身放荡不羁 。
Let go of all, only one body of unrestrained.
二、好马不吃回头草,你却吃了一遍又一遍 。
Good horses don&#三九;t eat the hay, but you eat it over and over again.
三、你说的开始,是我们结束的倒计时 。
You said the beginning, is the countdown of our end.
Hate a person, even hear the name feel disgusting!
五、当我不哭不闹时,才是真的难过了 。
It&#三九;s really sad when I don&#三九;t cry and don&#三九;t make a noise.
六、生活处处是坎坷,笑到最后是大哥 。
Life is full of ups and downs. It&#三九;s big brother who laughs at the end.
Be a man, it is proud, but give you face, you have to!
八、你的眼睛中,我看到的尽是虚伪 。
In your eyes, I see all hypocrisy.
九、我走的路很黑,你拿什么体会 。
I&#三九;m walking in a dark way. What do you think.
一零、对不起,你不想听的,恰好我不想说 。
Sorry, you don&#三九;t want to hear, just as I don&#三九;t want to say it.
一一、累么 。累就对了,舒服是留给死人的 。
Tired. Tired is right. Comfort is for the dead.
一二、青春献给小酒桌,醉生梦死就是喝 。
Youth dedicated to the small wine table, drunk dream death is drinking.
一三、有些事一转身,就一辈子 。
Some things turn around and live their lives.
一四、得不到就是得不到,别总说你不想要 。
You can&#三九;t get it if you don&#三九;t get it. Don&#三九;t always say you don&#三九;t want it.
一五、别欺小伙太年少,给你面子你得要 。
Don&#三九;t deceive the young. You have to give you face.
一六、你吃不到的葡萄,我吃着特别甜 。
I eat grapes that you can&#三九;t eat. I&#三九;m very sweet.
一七、走自己的路,让别人打车去吧 。
Take your own way and let others take a taxi.
一八、不要啦,人家好害怕的 。
No, people are so scared.
You will do this again later, don&#三九;t blame me for turning my face on the other hand!
二零、人不可能无欲无求,但可以学会穷途一笑 。
People can&#三九;t have no desire and no need, but they can learn to laugh at the poor.
二一、我胖都那么好看了,瘦下去还得了 。
I am so fat and beautiful, I can still lose weight.
二二、宁可辛苦一阵子,不要苦一辈子 。
Rather than hard for a while, not a lifetime.
I can&#三九;t shop, I find myself short of anything when I go shopping!
二四、时间摆平了所有的伤痛,我也摆平了回忆 。
Time has leveled all the pain, and I also set the memory.
二五、我不整理房间,我是乱室佳人 。
I don&#三九;t clean my room. I&#三九;m a mess.
二六、对自己好点,因为没人会把你当回事 。
Be nice to yourself, because no one will take you seriously.
二七、我这辈子都是你的公主殿下,你逃不掉的 。
My life is your princess, your highness, you can&#三九;t escape.
二八、壮心未与年俱老,死去犹能作鬼雄 。
If you are not old enough, you can die as a ghost.
二九、上帝欲使其灭亡,必先使其疯狂 。
If God wants to destroy it, he must first madness it.
【精选 关于霸气的英文句子】三零、有志不在年高,无志空长百岁 。
