


以下来自MSDNCTime::Format CString Format( LPCTSTR pFormat ) const;CString Format( UINT nFormatID ) const;Return ValueA CString that contains the formatted time.ParameterspFormatA formatting string similar to the printf formatting string. Formatting codes, preceded by a percent (%) sign, are replaced by the corresponding CTime component. Other characters in the formatting string are copied unchanged to the returned string. See the run-time functionstrftime for details. The value and meaning of the formatting codes for Format are listed below: %D Total days in this CTime%H Hours in the current day%M Minutes in the current hour%S Seconds in the current minute%% Percent sign nFormatIDThe ID of the string that identifies this format. RemarksCall this member function to create a formatted representation of the date/time value. If the status of this CTime object is null, the return value is an empty string. If the status of CTime is invalid, the return value is an empty string.Example// example for CTime::Format and CTime::FormatGmtCTime t( 1999, 3, 19, 22, 15, 0 ); // 10:15PM March 19, 1999CString s = t.Format( "%A, %B %d, %Y" );//这里就是把CTime转换成CStringASSERT( s == "Friday, March 19, 1999" );
