描写唯美英文励志语录简短文案 关于唯美英文励志语录

一、There are no perfect relationships. It&#三九;s how you accept the imperfections that makes it perfect. 没有完美的情感,重要的是你如何接受不完美而让它完美 。
二、The world is like a mirror, frown at it, and it frowns at you. Smile and it smiles, too. 世界犹如一面镜子:你朝它皱眉,它就朝你皱眉;你朝它微笑,它也会对你微笑 。
三、Gods determine what you&#三九;re going to be.人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人 。
四、Time can heal a broken heart, but time can also break a waiting heart. 时间可以治愈一颗受伤的心,同样也可以撕裂一颗等待的心 。
五、Every man is a poet when he is in love 。
六、梦想从这刻起,并不只是个幻想,靠自己它能成为现实中的一部分 。
七、No words are necessary between two loving hearts 。
八、Life is limited, we can do is just to make yourself happy some time in their lifetime. 人生是有限的,我们所能做的只不过是在有生之年让自己过的高兴些罢了 。
九、I have found that if you love life, life will love you back. 我发现如果你热爱生活的话,生活也会爱你的 。
一零、You don&#三九;t need to look up to others, for you yourself are a spectacle. 不必仰望别人,自己也是风景 。
一一、While there is life there is hope. 一息若存,希望不灭 。
一二、Only you can control your future. 只有你自己可以掌控你的未来 。
一三、Even in darkness, it is possible to create light. 即使在黑暗中,也能创造光明 。
一四、The first step is as good as half over.第一步是最关键的一步 。
一五、It rained yesterday, and today the wind is blowing, and the sun will come out tomorrow. 昨天下了雨,今天刮了风,明天太阳就出来了 。
一六、we feel tired because we are lost in our life. 有时候,我们觉得累,是因为在人生的道路上,忘记了去哪 。
一七、The good seaman is known in bad weather.惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色 。
一八、不悲伤,定会快乐 。不犹豫,定会坚持 。
一九、The shoes do not fit it off the right one to let go. 不合脚的鞋就脱了,不合适的人就放手 。
二零、Most of the shadows of life are caused by standing in our own sunshine. 生活中大多数的阴霾归咎于我们挡住了自己的阳光 。
二一、You are the reason why I became stronger.But still,you are my weakness. 因为你,我懂得了成长,可你,依旧是我的伤 。
二二、After doing my best, I chose to follow the lead. 尽力之后,我选择随缘 。
二三、Don&#三九;t treat every passion, not to please any indifference. 不要亏待每一份热情,不要讨好任何的冷漠 。
二四、Sea birds and fish love, just an accident. 海鸟和鱼的相爱,只是一场意外 。
二五、If we give love,we get love 。and even in the most difficult times,we find there is always a way to get through 。
二六、Don’t try so hard,the best things come when you least expect them to 。
二七、With enough hard work and dedication, anything is possible. 努力过,付出过,就没什么不可能!
二八、Stop thinking too much, it&#三九;s alright not to know all the answers. 别想太多,很多事情你不知道答案也没什么 。
二九、If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn&#三九;t, nothing can make him stay. 如果他爱你,没人能妨碍他靠近;如果他忘情,也无力去阻止他离去 。
三零、If only as shown signs of life, Why should I so attached to. 人生若只如初见,我又何苦如此依恋 。
三一、Don&#三九;t ever underestimate the heart of a champion. 永远不要低估一颗冠军的心 。
三二、When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on so long in the first place. 每当你想要放弃的时候,就想想是为了什么才一路坚持到现在 。
