描写英文个性签名简单气质简短文案 关于英文个性签名简单气质

一、我捧你的时候你是个杯子,我松手的时候你就是个玻璃碴子 。
You are a cup when I hold you. You are a glass when I let go.
二、对我来说,你的心才是最好的房子 。
For me, your heart is the best house.
三、如果你把我当成一个选项,我会把你当成一段回忆 。
If you take me as an option, I will take you as a memory.
四、锁不住的流年,就让它随风而去吧 。
If you can&#三九;t lock the fleeting time, let it go with the wind.
五、你那么可爱,如果被大风吹到我的怀里,我是不会还的 。
You are so lovely. If the wind blows into my arms, I will not return it.
六、有些事看开就好,不必计较太多 。心宽,就是对自己最好的礼物 。
Some things are easy to see, don&#三九;t worry too much. Heart width is the best gift for yourself.
七、不管结局如何,我的世界不允许你的消失 。
No matter the ending, my world doesn&#三九;t allow you to disappear.
八、傻笑不是与生俱来的,而是由我爱上你的那一刻开始的 。
Giggle is not born, but from the moment I fell in love with you.
九、无聊的日子无聊的过,只希望一个人的生活也可以狠洒脱 。
Boring day boring life, only hope that a person&#三九;s life can also be ruthless free and easy.
一零、我宁可我们从不曾相濡以沫,我宁愿我们从来就相忘于江湖 。
I&#三九;d rather we never get along with each other. I&#三九;d rather we never forget the Jianghu.
一一、请不要把我对你的容忍,当成你不要脸的资本 。
Please don&#三九;t take my tolerance for you as your shameless capital.
一二、愿你与我立黄昏,愿你问我粥可温 。
May you stand with me in the evening and ask me if my porridge is warm.
一三、你梦寐以求的 。不一定是适合自己的 。
What you dream of. It doesn&#三九;t have to be for you.
一四、一樽清酒祭往事,半卷红尘奠青春 。
A bottle of sake to sacrifice the past, a half volume of red dust to drink youth.
一五、鸟儿愿为一朵云,云儿愿为一只鸟 。
The bird is willing to be a cloud, and the cloud is willing to be a bird.
一六、人不要等待机会的到来和命运的垂青 。
Don&#三九;t wait for opportunity and destiny.
一七、如果没有遇见你,我本来是可以忍受这种孤独的 。
If I hadn&#三九;t met you, I could have endured the loneliness.
一八、人生有一道困难,那就是如何使一寸光阴即是一寸生命 。
There is a difficulty in life, that is, how to make one inch of time is one inch of life.
一九、青春就该不管不顾肆意的放纵,最好的年纪遇到了最好的你们 。
Youth should be reckless indulgence, the best age met the best of you.
二零、问问你的佛,能渡苦厄,何不渡我 。
Ask your Buddha, if you can overcome hardship, why not.
二一、系好安全带,前方也许有场爱情正等着你 。
Fasten your seat belt. There may be a love waiting for you.
二二、我终生的等候,换不来你刹那的凝眸 。
I wait all my life, but I can&#三九;t change your eyes.
二三、成长,就是逼着你一个人,踉踉跄跄的受伤,跌跌撞撞的坚强 。
Growth, is to force you to be a person, stumbling hurt, stumbling strong.
二四、亲爱的我爱你,愿一世相依,一生相守,相恋相知一辈子 。
Dear, I love you. I wish to be together for a lifetime, to be together and to know each other for a lifetime.
二五、酒,两个人分着喝就会觉得更暖 。
Wine, two people drink separately will feel warmer.
一、做人是该傲,但是给你脸,你得要吧 。
