描写特别撩的英语句子( 二 )

If you want to leave, don't look back! There are spring and autumn in life. I am not without you!
25、我愛你的模樣,更愛你的心靈,即使我不能使你,至少也要願與你同在 。
I love your appearance and your heart. Even if I can't make you, at least I want to be with you.
26、心事是藏不住的,把嘴巴捂住,就會從眼睛裡跑出來 。
Mind is not hidden, cover your mouth, you will run out of the eyes.
27、好就一起吧!甜也好,苦也罷,是你就夠了 。
OK, let's get together! Sweet or bitter, you are enough.
28、你是我最愛的寶貝,給我甜甜的草莓牛奶也不換 。
You are my favorite baby, give me sweet strawberry milk is not changed.
29、一定會有那樣一個時刻,恰好在我想擁抱你時,你也想擁抱我 。
There must be a moment when you want to hug me when I want to.
30、冬風忽至,冬梅忽開,冬雪三寒,為卿熱 。
Winter wind suddenly comes, winter plum suddenly opens, winter snow three cold, for Qing hot.
31、都說孤獨和酒很配,卻不知這樣很容易讓人流淚 。
They say loneliness and wine match well, but I don't know that it's easy to make people cry.
32、生活越難,見的人越多,我就越慶幸有你 。
The harder life is and the more people I meet, the more I'm glad to have you.
33、那被我塞進抽屜的泛黃日記,記敘我們過往的回憶 。
The yellowing diary I put into the drawer narrates our past memories.
34、從我粗糲的一生,榨儘所有溫柔都悉數奉獻於你,我仍覺不夠 。
From my rough life, I still don't think it is enough to squeeze all tenderness and devote it to you.
35、想把你寫進詩裡,想把你塞進身體裡,想把你融進血肉裡 。
I want to write you in poetry, I want to cram you into my body, I want to melt you into flesh and blood.
36、願用餘生為你暖一壺茶,晚風微揚時勿忘歸家 。
I'd like to warm a pot of tea for you for the rest of your life, and don't forget to go home when the evening wind blows.
37、你在人潮裡不知所措,我跟在你身後,伸手怕犯錯,縮手怕錯過 。
You are at a loss in the crowd, I follow you, stretch out my hand to be afraid of making mistakes, shrinking my hand for fear of missing.
38、教堂的鐘聲,沉澱了幸福所有的旋律,悠揚的傳開 。
Church bells, precipitation of happiness, all the melody, melodious spread.
39、我們都是獨一無二的我們,隻是碰見一個緣字,此生便分不開了 。
【描写特别撩的英语句子】We are all unique, we just meet a fate word, this life is inseparable.
