
The world is so great that it is worth cherishing. Why is the weight of emotion easily added to a person's balance?
2、每個夜晚睡覺前,都會想你好多遍,捂臉偷笑的滿足感 。
Every night before going to bed, will miss you many times, cover your face secretly smile satisfaction.
3、一定是你太笨了,所以才不知道我喜歡你 。
You must be too stupid to know that I like you.
4、耀眼的人那麼多,閃到我的隻有你一個 。
There are so many dazzling people, only you who flash to me.
5、願有生之年,隻訴溫暖不言殤,傾心相遇,安暖相陪 。
Wish to live, only talk about warmth, not war, heart to heart encounter, warm accompany.
6、我想要一份長久的愛,所以我要傾聽你,感謝你,尊重你,寬恕你 。
Thank you, I want to forgive you for a long time.
7、據說那些你一笑就跟著你笑的人,不是傻逼就是愛你的人 。
It is said that those who smile with you are either stupid or love you.
8、我不能把全世界給你,但是我的世界全部是你 。
I can't give you the whole world, but all my world is you.
9、我不會空有一身抱負而不努力,我會讓你過上你想過的生活 。
I won't have ambition without hard work. I will let you live the life you want.
10、今晚我會帶著月亮的溫柔還有星星的光亮,順著銀河飛到你夢裡 。
Tonight I will fly to your dream along the Milky way with the tenderness of the moon and the light of the stars.
How about giving you a chance to become her husband?
12、我對你的喜歡,是招搖過市,明目張膽,溢於言表的喜歡 。
I like you, is swaggering, blatant, over the words like.
13、你酷愛打扮,而我對美的鑒賞力無人能及 。
You love to dress up, and I have no appreciation of beauty.
14、去見你的路上,哪怕是冬天,空氣都是暖的,雨都是溫柔的,風都是甜的 。
On the way to see you, even in winter, the air is warm, the rain is gentle, and the wind is sweet.
15、如果全世界都對你惡語相加,那麼我對你說上一世情話 。
If the whole world is hurtful to you, then I will tell you something about the world.
16、無論以後發生什麼,當下在一起開心就好了 。
No matter what happens in the future, just be happy together now.
17、完蛋了,以後洗衣服要多洗一人的,飯也要多做一人份 。
It's over. In the future, one more person should wash the clothes and one more person should cook the meal.
18、你是上天賜給俺的禮物,那次邂逅就成了我腦海中最美的童話故事 。
You are a gift given to me by God. That encounter has become the most beautiful fairy tale in my mind.
19、你白發蒼蒼說帶我流浪,我還是冇猶豫,就隨你去天堂 。
You white haired said to take me wandering, I still did not hesitate to follow you to heaven.
20、感情淡了,無論我們以前的感情有多深,也無法改變你的離開 。
Feelings fade, no matter how deep our previous feelings are, we can't change your departure.
21、我的笑可以給任何人,但我的心,隻給你 。
My smile can be given to anyone, but my heart is only for you.
22、遊戲是用來消磨時間的,而你是用來消磨生命和感情的 。
Games are used to kill time, and you are used to kill life and feelings.
23、我表白,你拒絕,我連續表白,你連續拒絕,我們好有默契哦 。
I confess, you refuse, I confess continuously, you refuse continuously, we have tacit understanding.
