
1、万物想你不及我心念你 , 万物喜你不及我心悦你 。
All things think of you less than I think of you, and all things like you less than I like you.
2、遇见你的那天 , 我就没想过要分开 。
The day I met you, I didn't want to separate.
3、简约不是少 , 而是没有多余 , 足够也不是多 , 而是刚好你在 。
Simplicity is not less, but there is no redundancy, enough is not more, but just you.
4、过往皆不念 , 心中只念你 , 悲喜皆不谈 , 开口只谈你 。
The past is not read, the heart only read you, sorrow and joy are not talked about, only talk about you.
5、如若相爱 , 便携手到老 。如若错过 , 便护他安好 。
If you love each other, carry your hand to old age. If you miss it, protect him.
6、别人再好也是别人的 , 俺不一样 , 俺只属于你 。
【英语爱情短句精选】No matter how good others are, I'm not the same. I only belong to you.
7、我要的不多 , 只要你 。我有的不多 , 全给你 。
I don't want much, just you. I don't have much, all for you.
8、我将永远忠于自己 , 披星戴月奔向理想和你 。
I will always be loyal to myself, running to the ideal and you.
9、我所做的一切 , 我努力改变自己 , 都是为了你 。
Everything I do, I try to change myself, is for you.
10、你是千堆雪 , 我是长街 。怕日出一到 , 彼此瓦解 。
You are a thousand piles of snow, I am long street. Afraid of the sunrise, each other collapse.
11、也想不相思 , 可免相思苦 。几度细思量 , 情愿相思苦 。
Also want not to love, can avoid love. Several times of careful consideration, willing to Acacia bitter.
12、谁的目光会触及你失落的背影 , 用尽一生韶华换你一世痴迷!
Who's eyes will touch your lost back, spend a lifetime for your obsession!
13、我也曾渴望被爱 , 但我选择了爱你 。
I once wanted to be loved, but I chose to love you.
14、我没办法边走边爱 , 你一个人就挡住了人山人海 。
I can't love while walking. You stand in the way of people.
15、不要再折磨我 , 我的心已被割破 , 流尽的不是血 , 是爱你的错 。
Don't torture me any more. My heart has been cut. It's not the blood that runs out. It's the fault of loving you.
16、一想到能和你共度余生 , 我就对余生充满期待 。
As soon as I think of spending the rest of my life with you, I am full of expectation for the rest of my life.
17、世界变化不停 , 人潮川流不息 。我只想每个落日 , 身边都有你 。
The world is changing and the flow of people is endless. I just want every sunset with you.
18、脑子真神奇 , 就算忙得要死 , 也能留个小缝儿想你 。
The brain is amazing. Even if you are too busy, you can leave a little gap to think of you.
19、我喜欢你 , 像云漂泊九万里 , 不曾歇息 。
I like you, like the cloud wandering 90000 miles, never rest.
20、情不知所起 , 一往而深 。
I don't know where to start. I'll go deep.
21、你是我最初的选择 , 最后的选择 , 也是我此生永恒的选择 。
You are my first choice, my last choice, and my eternal choice in this life.
22、你摸摸我今天穿的衣服料子 , 看看是做你女朋友的料吗?
Do you touch the fabric I wear today to see if it's for your girlfriend?
