
1、爱上一个人容易 , 等平淡了后 , 还坚守那份诺言 , 就不容易了 。
It's easy to fall in love with a person. It's not easy to stick to that promise when it's dull.
2、那一次次的邂逅说你爱我 , 只是你寂寞时候撒的谎吧 。
That time and again encounter said that you love me, just your lonely time to tell a lie.
3、爱一个人很难 , 放弃自己心爱的人更难 。
【唯美英文句子爱情句子精选】It's hard to love someone, but it's even harder to give up the one you love.
4、我爱你用我旧愁里的热情和孩童时代的忠诚 。
I love you with the passion of my old sorrow and the loyalty of my childhood.
5、这一辈子我只牵你的手就够了 , 因为今生有你足矣 。
This life I only hold your hand is enough, because this life has you enough.
6、日子过得很慢 , 生活过得很烂 , 除了想你 , 其他我什么都做不好 。
Life is very slow, life is very bad, except for you, I can't do anything well.
7、希望你说的再见 , 不是代表着再也不见 。
I don't want to see you again.
8、我可以耐心等 , 幸福可以来的慢一些 , 只要它是真的 。
I can wait patiently, happiness can come more slowly, as long as it is true.
9、半途而废不好 , 所以我要继续喜欢你 。
It's not good to give up halfway, so I'll continue to like you.
10、爱情最美好的状态 , 就是一辈子!
The best state of love is a lifetime!
11、结婚是爱情的坟墓 , 但是如果不结婚 , 爱情就死无葬身之地 。
Marriage is the grave of love, but if you don't get married, love will die without a burial place.
12、不要让别人喊我喊逗比 , 那是只属于你的专属 。
Don't let others call me chubby, it's only for you.
13、对我来说 , 你就是我今生全部的爱 。
For me, you are all the love of my life.
14、愿姑娘你天黑有灯 , 雨天有伞 , 路上有良人陪伴 。
I wish you a light in the dark, an umbrella in the rain, and a good companion on the way.
15、阳光灿烂的笑容 , 在你我相遇的时刻使我钟情 。
Sunny smile makes me love you and me when we meet.
16、我只有两个心愿:你在身边 , 在你身边 。
I have only two wishes: you are by your side, by your side.
17、爱情希望恐惧和信仰构成了人性 , 它们是人性的标志和特征 。
Love hopes, fear and belief constitute human nature, which are the signs and characteristics of human nature.
18、人的一生注定会遇到两个人 , 一个惊艳了时光 , 一个温柔了岁月 。
People's life is destined to meet two people, one amazing time, one gentle years.
19、简单的欢欣弥漫出幸福的微光 , 这一刻 , 悸动闪亮 。
Simple joy filled with a glimmer of happiness, this moment, throbbing and shining.
20、我爱你 , 所以卑微到尘埃里 , 然后开出花来 。
I love you, so humble to the dust, and then bloom.
21、想把世界上最好的给你 , 却发现世界上最好的就是你 。
Want to give you the best in the world, but find that the best in the world is you.
22、这世间最烈的酒 , 是你低头噙笑的温柔 。
The strongest wine in the world is the tenderness with your head down and smile.
23、喜欢在你身上留下属於我的印记 , 却不曾记起你从未属於过我 。
Like to leave my mark on you, but never remember that you never belong to me.
