
1、我娶你 。
I married you.
2、伴與久 。
With long time.
3、暖於情 。
Warm in love.
4、紅塵戀 。
Love in the world of mortals.
5、深愛你 。
Love you so much.
6、終遇你 。
I met you.
7、陪她鬨 。
With her.
8、鐘於你 。
It's up to you.
9、伴你長 。
With you.
10、愛與誠 。
Love and sincerity.
11、你的心 。
Your heart.
12、久絆你 。
It's been a long time.
13、挽你發 。
Pull your hair.
14、陪他笑 。
Laugh with him.
15、愛是你 。
Love is you.
16、愛一世 。
Love all my life.
17、有我在 。
I am here.
18、生相隨 。
Life goes hand in hand.
19、給我手 。
Give me your hands.
20、我愛他 。
I love him.
21、千年緣 。
Millennium fate.
22、久愛她 。
Love her for a long time.
23、搏一生 。
Fight for life.
24、念你安 。
【描写英文爱情短句3字以内】Miss you an.
