1、I could hear them crying out to one another.我听得见他们相互呼应 。
2、Talking is one thing , doing is another.说是一回事,做又是一回事 。
3、His tooth gave another red-hot jounce.他的牙齿又火辣辣地疼了一下 。
4、You will be in your hearts to one another.你们彼此之间将心心相印 。
5、The treaty has been prolonged for another ten years.条约延长十年 。
6、The jungle was bordered by another stream.丛林的尽头处又是一条河 。
7、She skipped from one subject to another.她讲得没有条理,东拉西扯 。
8、The respect was another empty gesture.这种敬礼又是一种空洞的姿态 。
9、A pointer is the address of another value.指示字是另一个值的地址 。
10、Why should we dream away another year?我们为什么还要虚度一年光阴?
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