petal 花瓣,petal 花瓣造句( 二 )

A few days later, off a petal, the not so white, it will not be beautiful.
几天后,花瓣落了一地,不是那么白了,也不是那么美了 。
Still unwilling to sleep, he watched the young woman in his arms, removing a bruised flower petal from her tangled hair.
依旧不想入睡,他看着他怀里的年轻女子,将一片花瓣从她纠缠的头发上移去 。
Various parts of the proterogynous flower developed normally. The petal and stamen primordia were homologous.
A midge gathers pollen from a cacao flower by sticking its head inside a “petal pouch” that contains both pollen and a sticky nectar reward.
一只摇蚊正在一朵可可花上收集花粉,它将头部刺入盛满花粉和粘稠花蜜的“花瓣口袋”中 。
The front is gloomy , the past has vanished from memory like wind. The defective petal , clip embed Yu Xin in the diary.
前方灰暗,往事如风 。残缺花瓣,夹于日记嵌于心 。

petal 花瓣,petal 花瓣造句

Though much more studies were concentrated on the class B genes, there were quite few literatures about petal number to be referred.
另外,人们虽然对矮牵牛的B类基因研究较多,但很少涉及到花瓣增多的研究 。
Leaves (at least on main stem) sessile; petal laminar glands usually all pale.
叶(至少在主茎上)无梗;花瓣片状腺体通常全部浅 。
The exceeding beauty of the earth, in her splendor of life, yields a new thought with every petal.
大地超绝之美,在它灿烂的生命中,每一片花瓣,都会引发一种新的幽思 。
Being critical and taking can only let the petal of marriage weather.
A three-dimensional body-fitted coordinate mathematics model is set up to simulate the flow field of petal swirl burner(PSB).
采用三维贴体坐标结构化网格,对复杂曲面形状的新型旋流燃烧器(花瓣燃烧器)进行了三维的流场数值实验 。
the girl kneels down in front of the boy ‘ s grave tomb , holding the flower petal.
女孩跪坐在男孩的坟前,手中握著樱花花瓣 。
When the petal is longer than the calyx, the anther is greenish white or white, most of the microspore is at binucleate stage.
The breeze copies to connect Lian to use to pester a blade earthquake to open nearby one flower petal and flustered and frustratedly says.
风影连帘用气刃震开身边一片花瓣,气急败坏的说道 。
The improved implantation methods is to cut anterior putamina in petal shaped, and free posterior sclera and optic nerve .
其改良植入方法主要是前部巩膜壳切开成花瓣状,同时游离后极部巩膜与视神经 。
I, to melt in the peach blossom petal of the pink, wipe out to concern about in your at heart whole day.
我,要融化在粉红的桃花瓣里,拭去整日在你心头的牵挂 。
By plucking her petal s you do not gather the beauty of the flower.
采撷花瓣得不著花的美丽 。
The flower, plucked from a garden and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen, shatters in a spray of petal fragments.
这只采于花园的玫瑰此前被液态氮冷冻,受击穿后其粉身碎骨般的花瓣四处飞散 。
petal 花瓣,petal 花瓣造句

And on the topmost spray of the Rose-tree there blossomed a marvelous rose, petal following petal, as song followed song.
在玫瑰树最高的树枝上开出了一朵绝妙的花,随着歌声,花瓣一片片的绽开 。
